Christmas morning is a time most of us look forward to.  Spending time with family and friends opening all the mysterious gifts under the tree.  It's a time to have fun and share the love....but.

What happens on Christmas morning if you have a medical emergency?  You call an ambulance or get in your car and head to the nearest emergency room.  The hospital is staffed 24/7 with doctors and nurses to help you because medical emergencies do not limit themselves to 9 to 5 Monday through Friday excluding holidays.

Now think about this senario:

You pack your family into your car drive all the way to your parent's house and realize that you forgot Mom's gift on the kitchen counter.  You let your family out and say I'll be right back.  Your in a bit of a rush and not really paying attention to your speed when you see blue lights in your rear view mirror.  Johnny Law is pulling you over and he's not a happy camper.  While everyone else is opening presents surrounded by family members, he's got to be on the road fighting crime.  Normally he's a good officer, but today you cross his path when he is in a rotten mood and looking for someone to take it out on.  Who do you call to help you with this legal emergency?

Cops like doctors and nurses in that hospital work 24/7 because crimes like medical emergencies happen at any time.  The difference is that lawyers offices aren't open 24/7 they are closed on the weekends.  They are closed on holidays.  Imagine if you had to wait until the hospital opened to get that medical emergency treated.  That is what most people deal with day in and day out when it comes to legal emergencies.

I have personally watched cops go off into hysterical laughter at 1am when someone they arrested said that they wanted to call their attorney.  Cops know attorney's hours are even worse than bankers hours.  However there is a group of people in North America that can have the last laugh, PrePaid Legal Services members.

When they tell a cop at 1am that they want to talk to an attorney, they will actually reach an attorney through the PrePaid Legal Services Legal Shield program.  Legal Shield Attorneys are available 24/7 to advise our members in legal emergencies.  Even on Christmas morning!

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