Christmas is in twenty four days, that is less than a month and surprisingly (not really), there is still unfinished Christmas shopping. I still have tons and tons of Christmas gifts to buy. I read somewhere that people mostly begin shopping for Christmas gifts after thanksgiving. Since I had already bought some gifts before thanksgiving, I was definitely feeling smug. But all smugness is now gone, it"��s December! Now that there is the added pressure of less time, I realize I haven"��t in any seriousness started my Christmas Shopping. On top of all that, my list actually got longer because I missed a few people at work. It"��s beginning to turn into another stressful Christmas.

The stores have run out of my favorite metallic wrapping paper. I love that stuff so much, it makes ordinary stuff look extraordinary. It comes in handy if in a serious time crunch I don"��t manage to find Christmas gifts in metallic paper.

People look at the wrapping and are flattered.
Something I"��ll always be grateful for is Black Friday and Cyber Monday. I was wondering if I should have bought my Unique Christmas gifts. I"��m going with my usual chocolate fruit for the people at work; it"��s the only way I"��ll manage to stay in budget.

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