It's that time of year, when families all across North America gather to celebrate "Thanksgiving", a time to give thanks at the end of harvest time.

This year, let it really sink in that Gratitude will get you exactly where you want to be in life. It is an attitude of Gratitude for what you have, that will open the door for you to have more.

I am grateful to have learned this KEY. As a result of giving thanks and credit where it is due, I have completely transformed our lives.

There were a couple of KEY books that helped to solidify this truth in my mind. Of course I read and listed to "Think and Grow Rich", but "The Science of Getting Rich" spoke volumes more to me about the importance of Gratitude.

It is said that a wise man's prayer is one of Thanks. Let that sink in...the prayer is one of thanks. Not one of 'please help', but rather of 'Thank you for taking care of this for me', and a easy acceptance of the gifts bestowed, even if not yet received.

I got a little further with this knowledge- and then I was told about another book with a goofy title - "I am Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams, I am, I am, I am". This book is far easier to read and took me further than I had gone before. It gives very easy to follow instructions on how to become wealthy -seriously wealthy. Where Hill and Wattles speak an odd language, Thomas Pauley speaks just like you and I do... and gives it really straight: You need to ask, accept your gifts, and give thanks.

Please take my advice and read the download of "The Science of Getting Rich" now, and order yourself a copy of "I am Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams, I am, I am, I am". While you are at it, get my newest favorite, "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind". Absolutely Brilliant.

To change your life, you must first change your mind. There is no way around it.

Now back to that Thanksgiving thing, and Gratitude. Try this out, please!

Practice the feeling of gratitude NOW. Take just 20 seconds to relish in it. Know that you cannot be negative or feel sad when you are grateful. Its also impossible to criticize, or complain when you are in a state of Gratitude. Gratitude opens up your ability to attract more of what you want, because you appreciate what you already have.

Gratitude is the way forward. Practice it today... and every day for the rest of your life. I can tell you with certainty that this practice will bring forth a future of abundance. Simply remember to ask, and be grateful knowing that it is coming. Take inspired action when opportunity presents itself, and reap the rewards. You deserve it!

Melanie Milletics is a successful internet marketer and creator of, a resource that provide information and tools to those who strive to have a successful home based business.

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