In every challenging situation, there is something for which to be thankful. Find it, and you're well on your way to getting successfully through the challenge. It may seem strange to express gratitude while in the midst of trouble and difficulty. Yet that gratitude can help to shine a positive, empowering light on any situation.

If you allow yourself to be overwhelmed with negativity, all you can see are the problems. When you choose instead to find something for which to be thankful, you start to see the all the many good and positive resources available to you.

In the most difficult situations you can often find the most valuable opportunities. Gratitude will open your eyes to those opportunities.

Always, there is a positive aspect to be found. Always, there is something for which you can be genuinely thankful.

And the more challenging the situation, the more essential it is to have something positive to hold on to. Find something real to be thankful for, and you'll find yourself moving forward.

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