I have Posted a picture of what my Akismet filter is picking
up on my wordpress blog. I have never posted a picture here
before so I hope it comes out clearly.
    What in the world does this stuff say? I think aliens are
visiting my blog. I have received 168 totally bizarre comments
to my blog this month.
     So I decided to give a spamming class for all of the aliens
out there. Use Proper Spam etiquette as follows

1. Use actual words, do not just make them up.
2. Put the words in an order in which humans will understand.
3. Use only 1 Link
4. Your comment should be on the article you just read.
5. Just a link to your site with no other words is unacceptable.
6. No long lists of misspelled porn words

Thank you for visiting. I am just trying to find humor in the
weirdness of the internet.
Please if you read alien translate this stuff in the picture
 and tell me what it means.

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