I don't know about you but I can't believe what some will do to get their link noticed.  Thank God a friend of mine told me about Akismet and if you don't have it on your blog - then go to plugins and activate it.  This filters the spam comments out - but before you delete all them go thru them as I have seen some comments that are not spam in there.

If you are just starting a blog, this is the best time to add this as I have heard it get tricking adding it after your blog has been going for a while.  I remember when I first started and was so excited when I started to getting comments - I was thinking yea someone is reading what I wrote.  This is every bloggers dream - to have someone read their blog and comment

But then it didn't take me long to spot some of the spam comments that you will get and I'm going to use some example from my blog to show you what to watch for.

These are all spam comments - It is pleasant right here. nice research. I\\\?ve been looked the info for a while. thanks and here is the link - now this is what to watch for makeupsuppliers.bravehost.com.  Another -  thank you for posting this one up..it is very interesting and the link is registrymighty.com Good collection of work & excellent site! - link is pickyourwatch.com/hey friend? i think your site is very interisting for me?.. your site give me some important information.. thanks a lot! link is shoespublisher.com/

And the list goes on and on - these people are not your friend, not reading your blog post - they are just here to use your blog for backlinks.  So don't be afraid to delete them. 

Hope this help you know the difference in a honest comment vs a spam comment.  I have created a Bloggers Cafe on Facebook and would love all bloggers to join and add your blog link - here is the link Click here for the Bloggers Cafe

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