There Ain't nothing worse than a Phoney!  Seems like there are fake's everywhere these days, esspecially true on the internet(did you notice that too?). 

Fakes come in all types, shapes, sizes and forms.  Like this guy I work with(at my job, if I had a choice I would not work with this person or anyone like him!), I don't know what is wrong with him, but half the time you give him a direction, or ask him to do something, and you think he can get it right?  Oh sure, he'll act like he understands, perhaps nod his head or say yes but the next thing you know he's way the heck off doing the exact opposite of what you asked him to do in the first place.  Oh MY GOD!!  It's enough to drive you completely BONKERS! 

If he doesn't comprehend, why the heck don't he just say so?  Another mystery I guess.

Like these so called internet marketers(now there's a bunch...HaHaHa).  How come 90-whatever percent aren't making any money?  Because they have no clue what they are doing...that's why!  I mean, why don't they take a marketing class or something.  Or are they just buying into the hype, and hoping that by some chance everyone who's anyone will just magically want to join their business and make them filthy stinking rich?

Is this you?  I hope I'm not being too offensive here but some things just have to be said(and by the way, this was me not too long ago).  If you have never been in business before, and you have never been in marketing before.....then where do you get off pretending you know anything about either?

NoNoNO!!  Get the Right information first, and make Darn sure you are doing what is right for YOU!

One last thing....anyone who goes around pretending to know when they don't, can easily be spotted by those that know from a million miles away.

Till next time........


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