So once there was this guy who desperately tried to make money on the internet but he kept failing over and over and over again...

Then he joined this one deal and decided to build his business by simply writing crap and trashing other successful marketers and gurus...

Instead of doing a smart thing and learn from somebody who is succeeding, he got bitter and just started to bash everybody publicly. He bashed the gurus, professional marketers, network marketing companies, systems, EVERYTHING. Everything to him was a scam.

So he was pretending to be this "nice guy" and called himself a "scam buster" trying to "save people" from all those "gurus". But as he bashed the gurus and companies, he was directing people to check out "HIS" little deal.

Anyway, so he was doing that for while.... until things got a bit too far...

He started to bash one very successful marketer and took it too far by saying things that were not actually true. Just some things that he "heard". He was never a customer. Just propagated his opinions.

Then one day this "scam buster" got a letter telling him to show up for court.

Turns out he was being sued for slander, defamation, business loss, reputation damages, and a whole slew of other things that he caused.

To make a long story short, the judge orders him to pay $350,000 in business/reputation damages and business loss that he caused for this one successful marketer.

But HOW?!

This "scam buster" is flat broke.

He's not making any money.

He never actually helped anybody succeed.

All he was doing was bashing and trashing people and other companies.

Well, he had a house and some personal property...
And he basically became a "slave" until he paid the $350K.
Needed to work 3 jobs just to be able to pay that.

His life turned into a living hell.

Broke just got a lot broker... simply by 'deciding' to do dumb things.

Point of the story?

Don't be like this dude.

I see a lot of people doing this kind of crap without realizing that one day they can potentially lose EVERYTHING they have if some company or "guru" decides to go after them for defamation and income/business loss due to their "badmouthing".

If somebody is succeeding in a particular company, and the company is legit - don't EVER call it a scam.

Don't ever blame others for your lack of success or failures.

Take responsibility.

Be smart.

Hopefully this post will save somebody from getting into trouble.

Love ya'll!

No affiliate links here, just let me know if you're ready to rock 2014!

P.S. Feel free to share this. Maybe you can literally help somebody save their life.

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