OUR´s 7 Pledges

1. To demand our countries to apply and/or join any international Environmental treaty within the next (2) two years, cut global warming pollution by 90 per cent in developed countries, and by more than half worldwide in time for the next generation to inherit a healthy Earth.

2. To take personal action to help solve the climate crisis by reducing our own CO2 pollution as much as we can and offsetting the rest to become "carbon neutral".

3. To fight for a moratorium on the construction of any new generating facility that burns coal without the capacity to safely trap and store the CO2.

4. To work for a dramatic increase in the energy efficiency of my home, workplace, school, place of worship and means of transportation.

5. To fight for laws and policies that expand the use of renewable energy sources and reduce dependence on oil and coal.

6. To plant new trees and to join with others in preserving and protecting forests.

7. To buy from businesses and support leaders like in UBIEE1, F.A.N.2, I-AM-THAT-I-AM3, RingSMS4, FUTURO-Plan5 who share our commitment to solving the climate crisis and building a sustainable, just, and prosperous world for the 21st century.

Join the following URL and see the results for yourself.


With best regards


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