I live in Michigan, USA... But just off to the east of us is Canada.
It is only about 45 miles away, just over the Ambassador Bridge.
We watch a lot of Canadian television especially... Coronation Street
Gosh I love that show. Poor Molly
Anyway just before that show stats at 7 we always catch the end of the news
They always wrap it up with the weather.
Canada tell temperature in Centigrade.
USA reports in Fahrenheit.
When I hear it... for a moment I always wonder what our
temperature is,
because the 2 are very different.
Here is the equation....
To convert a Fahrenheit temperature to Centigrade
do the following...
A- Subtract 32
B- Multiply by 5
C- Divide by 9
To convert Centigrade to Fahrenheit, do the following
A- Multiply by 9
B- Divide by 5
C- Add 32
Holy crap!!  I hate math.
What if I do not have a calculator?
I found this...
it was much easier.

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