
Why do Folks ask to be a contact and do not share there contact info?

Asked by Pete Balasch Jr., in Business
How do I get them to stop them doing that it does not make sense to me? I refuse to be a contact if they do not share their contact with me.

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Cacey Taylor Committed  Affiliate Marketing Professional
I guess some people like to remain private. Sometimes I forget to add the checkmark.
Dec 13th 2020 21:36   
Fine Bet Junior  FineBet - Đánh Giá Nhà Cái Cược Trực Tuyến Uy Tín
Sometimes I forget to add the checkmark.
Dec 14th 2020 20:12   
faii acy Magnate II   GPT Site Owner/Operator
Agreed. The checkmark should be the default so you have to UNcheck it
Dec 17th 2020 11:11   
Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
Most people on any social network think the number of contacts they have is some kind of honor, so they just want to gather as many as they can with no intention of further contact.
Dec 18th 2020 19:33   
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