

by Erma putera Abdul rahman just a clerk
emma adalah home-based bisnes, dan dijalankan 100% secara online. Syarikat induk di USA dah lebih 15 tahun dan di Malaysia dah 3 tahun malah dah ada jutawan. Jutawan kita umur 30tahun yg pertama di
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  • Vemma adalah home-based bisnes, dan dijalankan 100% secara online.
  • Syarikat induk di USA dah lebih 15 tahun dan di Malaysia dah 3 tahun malah dah ada jutawan.
  • Jutawan kita umur 30tahun yg pertama di M'sia dan Asia
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Vemma adalah home-based bisnes, dan dijalankan 100% secara online. Syarikat induk di USA dah lebih 15 tahun dan di Malaysia dah 3 tahun malah dah ada jutawan. Jutawan kita umur 30tahun yg pertama di Msia dan Asia, beliau jadi cover majalah JUTAWAN bulan June 2010. Yang bestnya biz ni, kita tak perlu berjumpa org atau menjual brg. Kerja kita hanya mempromosikan website yg diberikan secara percuma sebaik sahaja anda berdaftar, cuba lihat number anda. Selepas upgrade saya akan berikan satu lagi web BM percuma. Saya akan bagi panduan dan bimbingan ttg cara2 promote website selepas anda upgradejgn bimbang. Ada macam2 cara promosi sebenarnya. Bila prospek mendaftar di website kita dan upgrade menjadi member, kita akan mendapat income. Income adalah dlm USD yg ditukarkan kpd MYR dan masuk terus ke mana2 akaun bank kita.


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About Erma putera Abdul rahman Junior   just a clerk

0 connections, 0 recommendations, 5 honor points.
Joined APSense since, May 20th, 2011, From pelabuhan klang, Malaysia.

Created on Jun 2nd 2011 08:52. Viewed 2,084 times.


Lemont Wells Senior   Web Desinger & Affiliate Marketer
Now this is 100% great Rev Page no who reads ENGLISH can understand what in the world it say. So please next time translate your stuff so we can understand it .
Jun 2nd 2011 11:43   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Public postings in APSense must be made in English.
Jun 2nd 2011 12:34   
Sudaryo -. Senior   webmaster
wew, gak pake bahasa bule.
Jun 2nd 2011 13:35   
David C. Advanced   manager
I had a look and translated it,I am not signing up for something till I know what it is,that I am signing up for,even translated from Malay.It wants your details before you see the product.Sorry .Beem there got lots of T-shirts.Nobody gets my personell details unless I know thiers
Jun 3rd 2011 02:11   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
@David you're better than me. I don't bother if it's not English. It tells me that the poster has not read the rules and has no interest in networking, only throwing up another ads somewhere
Jun 3rd 2011 07:09   
David C. Advanced   manager
If people have trouble with English write it in thier own Language and then translate it all and publish it.This add just tells me its a company or Individua,who basically are too lazy to make the effort.If I or anyone else has made the time (you cant get time back) and come upon this they are not going to read it,pletchly the only reason I opened it was we had a Malay Ahma,and we also used to go into Malaya,used to speak some malay as a child,but even then I am not handing my details over
Jun 3rd 2011 07:44   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
The problem is that most people may not recognize another language. That is why public posts must be in English. Now had they translated it into English and posted people would read it. Members are not going to waste time trying to identify what language something is written in.

But there is more to it than just that issue. It is an issue of respect, you respect your host's home. APSense gives anyone the ability to create a private group for communicating in other languages, but requires that public postings be in English. When members fail to follow the rules they show disrespect for APSense itself, and the other APSense members.

Jun 3rd 2011 08:01   
David C. Advanced   manager
I totally agree its on a par with people who emigrate to Britain and cant be bothered to learn the language and I am very sure it is the same with every culture in the world,you learn your hosts language,the business world operates in english,so if you post your products in a language that no one understands you are going to be left at the starting gate,I am not being Racist but it is in your own intrest & Companys
Jun 3rd 2011 09:26   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Your discussion make this RevPage closer and closer to the top of the Hot RevPages section on the homepage. :)

I hope it won't bring new customers to it if it's not legit.
Jun 3rd 2011 10:59   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I think in this case the discussion shows a perfect example of what not to do and why.
Jun 3rd 2011 11:36   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
I agree 100 % with you, Cheryl. I was more kidding than anything else in my comment.

It might actually be a good thing that it reaches the 1st position, then other people will see the nice discussion between you and David.
Jun 3rd 2011 11:41   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
I just voted and I see both you voted same as me. :)

And nobody dared vote positive.
Jun 3rd 2011 11:42   
Rammesh Perumal Senior   Web Business & Development Consultant
I think it's just a plain mistake by the writer since he is new here and most probably new to online marketing field. I just send him a message, hope he can translate it. You are right Philippe its catch my eyes at top of RevPage :).
Jun 3rd 2011 12:51   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
That's how you saw it, Rammesh ? :)

You can be sure that Cheryl would not have been as nice with him if he had been a repeat offender.
Jun 3rd 2011 13:16   
David C. Advanced   manager
How many Pints have you had,I sound like that too,make a farce of it publish in what ever language you want and when you get no replies,wonder why.I am a Scot it might actually amaze you English is not the native tounge of my Country Gaelic is just like Ireland Thier native tounge is Gaelic.In Ireland I dont know if they still do it,you had or have to learn Gaelic as your first language,we don't Due to outdated laws banning the teaching of Gaelic,the English belevieving if they killed our language,we wouldn't Rebel do you want me to go on I am quite sure That Philippe would love to do it in French after all thats his mother tounge so get a life if you don't like it you don't have to be a part of it.Nobody is forcing you to take part there isn't a Country in the world that has got a grievence,having to speak English,if you have a problem overthrow your Government,and make it just your own language.I think there is a place quite like that,North Korea
Jun 4th 2011 13:01   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Being new is no excuse. Every one of us who signed up for an APSense account had to agree to the terms of service at the time we opened the account. What that means is you waive your right to the "I didn't know." excuse because by checking that agreement box you are legally acknowledging that you both read and understood the terms.
Jun 4th 2011 13:31   
David C. Advanced   manager
Is this a ploy to get more advertising I wonder because it was a very well built page hoping someone would sign-up to find out what it is First email,you reply they send you a 2nd email and then it is welcome to Spam land
Jun 4th 2011 13:38   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
If people start commenting in other languages on this RevPage, this calls for a deletion of it. Would that be allowed, Cheryl ?
Jun 4th 2011 14:02   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
report it for abuse Philippe "uninteligible content"
Jun 4th 2011 14:10   
David C. Advanced   manager
I probably have no say but I agree
Jun 4th 2011 21:19   
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