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I need your opinion or what steps you take to get your life back in order again.

Here's my situation and I'm not trying to cry the blues, just looking for ways that other people use to get back on track that I can use for myself. Lately, I feel I'm at a crossroads with my life and my business. I know once I get my life organized, my business life will follow suit.

I've spent a lot of time in the last 3 years doing everything a mother of 3 SHOULD be doing and not enough of what I WANT to be doing for myself. This is creating a "friction" of sorts in my life and since I'm already overwhelmed with recent changes in my life, I'm a little over the top, lol. Let's just say I'm not in the market for a new business but more a new "perspective" and a positive one at that.

Here are some organizational/rejuvenation suggestions others have told me which I have taken note of:

1. Take a 1/2 hour walk every morning.
2. Plan a weekend getaway and write my thoughts down.

What have you done that works for you? I appreciate any thoughts you might have. :-) Thanks!