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Share any health information and suggestions on; nutrition, diet, exercise and fitness programs you’re involved with and would like to recommend.

Having a healthy body and mind is just as important to our overall success, as having complete financial mastery is. Without optimum health, energy and vitality we are robbing ourselves of our full potential

Many people neglect their health on the journey to financial freedom, but what good is it going to do when we get their or if we’re already there, if we can't totally enjoy it, because we neglected our health and failed to live a balanced life!

I have been involved in health and nutrition for most of my adult life, but I had health crises to deal with that came on unexpectedly about 16 months ago. I have since came out on the other side, with a lot of dedication, sacrifice and perseverance. Even though I knew it before, I really have learned not to take my health for granted.

I decided to start this group so that we can all share our own experiences, expertise and help each other out, or help others outside of the group that may need it. I believe what we give out will come back to us multiplied many times over, sort of like the pay it forward philosophy.
