
About Team6K4You

Link-up cyberspace for Team6K4You members.

Please review Team6K4You if you are interested in joining Team6K4You, then join the Apsense discussion group here. The system will let the administrator know so that your name can be added; but you must be a member of Team6K4You please.

Team6K4You works on a one time fee: $ 6.50
earn $ 6,000 dollars over and over again passively and continue to do your own business.

Of course, if you are already a Team member, please don't feel locked out. Click "Join Group" and drop me a line so that I know you are a Team member, then I'll gladly add you. The idea is to have a Team6K4You discussion forum. The only reason for the privacy is that we may want to discuss Team-how-and-wherefores in which we don't want a huge "outside" body of members and that Team-tools are listed here.