
How To Analyse Marketing Strategy With A List Of Relevant Tools And Techniques

by Octopus Intelligence Octopus Competitive Intelligence

How To Analyse Marketing Strategy With A List Of Relevant Tools And Techniques

A well-crafted marketing strategy is essential for success in the ever-evolving business world. However, having a strategy alone is not enough. Regular analysis ensures effective tactics yield desired results. This post will guide you in analysing your marketing strategy for optimal performance.

Understanding Marketing Strategy Analysis

Before diving into the how-to, it’s crucial to grasp what marketing strategy analysis entails. It involves assessing plans and tactics to determine effectiveness and areas for improvement. This process aligns strategies with business goals and drives desired outcomes.

Marketing strategy analysis is complex yet vital for informed decision-making. It identifies what’s working and where changes can improve performance.

Steps In Marketing Strategy Analysis

Set Clear Objectives

First, set clear objectives for your marketing efforts. These could be: 

  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Boosting sales
  • Improving engagement
  • Expanding market share

Clear objectives serve as benchmarks for measuring effectiveness.

Evaluate Current Strategies

Evaluate how well your current strategies align with objectives. Analyse all aspects of your plan, including social media, email, SEO, and content marketing.

Assess performance metrics like: 

  • Reach
  • Engagement rate 
  • Conversion rate 
  • ROI

Identify successful strategies and areas for improvement.

Conduct a SWOT Analysis

Perform a SWOT analysis to gain insights into your marketing situation. Assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Identify areas of excellence, improvement, growth opportunities, and threats to mitigate.

Benchmark Against Competitors

Compare your business performance with industry competitors. Learn from successful tactics they employ on platforms, messaging, and engagement rates. Identify gaps in your strategies.

Use Data-Driven Insights

Leverage data for effective strategy analysis. Use Google Analytics or social media analytics platforms to understand: 

  • User behaviour
  • Audience engagement

Identify trends, successful campaigns, and areas needing improvement through data-driven insights.

Utilise Relevant Analytical Tools

Gain an edge by using competitive and market intelligence analysis tools and techniques. Explore the extensive list provided to navigate the realm of competitive intelligence effectively.

Tools To Analyse Marketing Strategy

Here is a list of relevant competitive intelligence and market intelligence tools to determine how to analyse marketing strategy and competitor analysis

Starting Point

You need a solid foundation to embark on a successful competitive intelligence analysis journey. The following tools can help you get started:

  • Issue Redefinition: Rethinking problems and challenges from different perspectives to uncover hidden opportunities.
  • Chronologies and Timelines: Constructing chronological sequences of events to identify patterns and trends.
  • Sorting: Organising information systematically for more straightforward analysis and comparison.
  • Ranking, Scoring, Prioritising: Assigning values and rankings to different variables to determine their significance.

Idea Generation

Generating innovative ideas is vital for effective competitive intelligence analysis. Consider employing these tools:

  • Structured Brainstorming: Facilitating group creativity by following a structured approach.
  • Virtual Brainstorming: Conduct brainstorming sessions remotely using online collaboration tools.
  • Nominal Group Technique: Combining individual brainstorming with group discussions to enhance idea generation.
  • Starbursting: Exploring a topic from various angles by asking and answering specific questions.
  • Cross-Impact Matrix: Assessing the interrelationships between different variables to identify potential impacts.
  • Morphological Analysis: Breaking down a problem into its constituent parts and exploring different combinations.
  • Quadrant Crunching: Creating quadrants to categorise and analyse data based on multiple criteria.

Hypothesis Generation And Testing

Formulating hypotheses and testing them is crucial for competitive intelligence analysis. Consider the following techniques:

  • Multiple Hypotheses Generator: Generating multiple hypotheses to explore various possibilities.
  • Quadrant Hypothesis Generation: Creating hypotheses based on the characteristics of different quadrants.
  • Diagnostic Reasoning: Analysing available data to diagnose the potential causes of observed phenomena.
  • Analysis of Competing Hypotheses: Evaluating and comparing other hypotheses to identify the most likely explanation.
  • Argument Mapping: Visualising the structure and relationships of arguments to assess their validity.

Deception Detection:

Detecting deception and filtering out misleading information is essential in competitive intelligence analysis. These tools can assist you:

  • Challenge Analysis: Challenging assumptions and scrutinising the validity of information and claims.
  • Premortem Analysis: Imagining a scenario where a project or decision fails to identify potential pitfalls.
  • Structured Self-Critique: Conduct a critical self-assessment to identify biases and gaps in your analysis.
  • What If? Analysis: Exploring alternative scenarios and assessing their potential impacts.
  • High Impact/Low Probability Analysis: Evaluating events or scenarios with low likelihood but significant consequences.
  • Devil’s Advocacy: Assigning a person or team to challenge and critique proposed strategies actively.
  • Red Team Analysis: Forming an independent group to simulate competitors and evaluate strategy from their perspective.
  • Delphi Method: Seeking input from a panel of experts to achieve consensus on uncertain issues.

Competitive Analysis

Understanding competitors and their strategies is at the core of competitive intelligence analysis. Consider utilising these tools:

  • Benchmarking: Comparing your organisation’s performance against industry leaders to identify gaps and improvement opportunities.
  • BCG Growth Matrix: Analysing the relative market share and growth potential of your products/services.
  • Customer Segmentation and Needs Analysis: Identifying distinct customer segments and understanding their needs and preferences.
  • Customer Value Analysis: Evaluating the value customers derive from your offerings compared to competitors.
  • GE Business Screen: Analysing your organisation’s strategic business units based on market attractiveness and competitive strength.
  • Porter Five Forces: Assessing the competitive forces within an industry to determine its attractiveness.
  • Nine Forces: Expanding on Porter’s model by considering additional forces that impact industry competitiveness.
  • Strategic Group Analysis: Identifying and analysing groups of companies with similar strategies and market positions.

Enterprise Analysis

Analysing your own organisation’s capabilities and resources is crucial for effective competitive intelligence analysis. Consider these tools:

  • Blindspot Analysis: Identifying areas within your organisation that may lack attention or awareness.
  • Business Model Analysis: Evaluating the effectiveness of your business model in capturing value.
  • Competitor Analysis: Analysing the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors to identify strategic opportunities.
  • Functional Capability and Resource Analysis: Assessing your organisation’s functional areas and available resources.
  • Management Profiling: Evaluating your management team’s skills, experience, and capabilities.
  • McKinsey 7s Analysis: Assessing the alignment of your organisation’s strategy, structure, systems, skills, style, staff, and shared values.
  • Product Line Analysis: Evaluating the performance and potential of individual product lines within your portfolio.
  • Servo Analysis: Understanding customer requirements and designing products/services to meet those needs.
  • Shadowing: Observing and studying the actions and strategies of competitors and industry leaders.
  • Supply Chain Analysis: Analysing the flow of products, information, and resources within your supply chain.
  • SWOT Analysis: Assessing your organisation’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Value Chain Analysis: Identifying activities that add value to your products/services and analysing their efficiency.
  • Win/Loss Analysis: Evaluating the reasons behind successful and unsuccessful business outcomes.

Environmental Analysis

Understanding the external factors shaping your industry and market is critical. Consider using these tools:

  • Country Risk Analysis: Assessing the risks and opportunities associated with operating in specific countries.
  • Corporate Reputation Analysis: Evaluating your organisation’s reputation and impact on stakeholder perceptions.
  • Critical Success Factor Analysis: Identifying the key factors determining your industry’s success.
  • Driving Force Analysis: Identifying and analysing the major forces driving change in your industry.
  • Issue Analysis: Investigate specific issues or challenges that affect your industry or market.
  • Macro-environmental (STEEP) Analysis: Assessing the societal, technological, economic, environmental, and political factors impacting your industry.
  • Political and Country Risk Analysis: Evaluating political stability and potential risks associated with specific countries.

More Tools

  • Scenario Analysis: Develop alternative future scenarios to understand potential outcomes and their implications.
  • Indicator Validators: Assessing the reliability and validity of indicators used in forecasting and analysis.
  • Stakeholder Analysis: Identifying and understanding the interests and influence of different stakeholders.
  • Strategic Relationship Analysis: Analysing the relationships and alliances between organisations within your industry.
  • Evolutionary Analysis: Tracing the historical evolution of your industry and identifying patterns and trends.
  • Event and Timeline Analysis: Examining specific events and timelines to gain insights into their impacts.
  • Experience Curve Analysis: Analysing the relationship between experience and cost/performance improvements.
  • Growth Vector Analysis: Identifying and evaluating potential growth opportunities for your organisation.
  • Historiographical Analysis: Analysing historical accounts and narratives to gain insights into your industry’s past.
  • Indications and Warning Analysis: Identifying early signs and signals of emerging trends and opportunities.
  • Patent Analysis: Analysing patents and intellectual property to identify technological advancements and competitors’ activities.
  • Product Life Cycle Analysis: Assessing the different stages of a product’s life cycle and adapting strategies accordingly.
  • S-CurveAnalysis: Examining the growth and maturity trajectory of a technology or product.
  • Technology Forecasting: Predicting future developments and advancements in technology.
  • War Gaming: Simulating competitive scenarios and analysing potential outcomes and strategies.

Financial Analysis

Understanding your organisation’s and competitors’ financial aspects is vital for competitive intelligence analysis. Consider using these tools:

  • Competitor Cash Flow Analysis: Assessing competitors’ cash flow patterns and financial stability.
  • Financial Ratio and Statement Analysis: Analysing financial statements and ratios to evaluate performance and financial health.
  • Interpretation of Statistical Analysis: Making sense of statistical data and its implications for your organisation.
  • Linchpin Analysis: Identifying critical financial factors or variables that can significantly impact your organisation.
  • Strategic Funds Programming: Allocating financial resources strategically to support key initiatives.
  • Sustainable Growth Rate Analysis: Determining the rate at which your organisation can grow without external financing.

Cause And Effect Assessment

Understanding the relationships between variables and their impacts is crucial for competitive intelligence analysis. Consider using these tools:

  • Key Assumptions Check: Assessing the validity and reliability of key assumptions underlying your analysis.
  • Structured Analogies: Drawing parallels between different situations or industries to gain insights.
  • Role-Playing: Assuming different perspectives and roles to understand diverse viewpoints.
  • Red Hat Analysis: Evaluating different aspects of a situation, including emotions and intuitions.
  • Outside-In Thinking: Adopting an external perspective to identify blind spots and uncover new insights.

Conflict Management

Resolving conflicts and managing competing interests is important for practical competitive intelligence analysis. Consider using these tools:

  • Adversarial Collaboration: Engaging in constructive debates and collaborations with competitors or industry experts.
  • Structured Debate: Structuring discussions and arguments to facilitate constructive dialogue and problem-solving.

Making A Decision

Making informed decisions based on competitive intelligence analysis is the ultimate goal. Consider using these tools:

  • Decision Trees: Visualising decision-making processes and potential outcomes to support decision-making.
  • Complexity Manager: Managing complex information and decision-making processes effectively.
  • Decision Matrix: Assessing options based on multiple criteria to make informed choices.
  • Force Field Analysis: Analysing the driving and restraining forces influencing a decision or change.
  • Pros-Cons-Faults-and-Fixes: Evaluating the pros, cons, faults, and potential remedies of different options.
  • SWOT Analysis: Assessing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of other options.

How To Analyse Marketing Strategy With A List Of Relevant Tools And Techniques

Marketing strategy analysis goes beyond problem identification; it also uncovers growth opportunities. By regularly evaluating strategies, you adapt and stay ahead based on insights. Competitive Intelligence and marketing strategy analysis tools empower organisations in today’s competitive landscape. Using these tools, you gather and interpret data. Make informed decisions, and gain a competitive advantage.

This comprehensive list provides a starting point for strengthening competitive intelligence analysis capabilities. Mastering this art requires using these tools, critical thinking, and adaptability. Embrace the power of Competitive Intelligence for success. Remember, practical analysis is an ongoing process. Markets change, technologies emerge, and businesses must continually evolve to thrive.

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Created on Jul 11th 2023 17:14. Viewed 199 times.


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