
Five‌ ‌Straightforward‌ ‌Tips‌ ‌for‌ ‌Using‌ ‌YouTube‌ ‌to‌ ‌Market‌ ‌your‌ ‌Small‌ ‌Business‌ ‌

by APSense News Release Admin

Youtube is the 2nd most used search engine in the world. One of the primary reasons behind the growth of Youtube was its acquisition by Google in 2006.  

Now, this video platform is a compelling way to expand your audience base when it comes to marketing. But if you’ve never used Youtube for marketing your small business before, this article will tell you all that you need to know to get started. 

Let’s get right into it!

  1. Develop a Basic Youtube Marketing Plan

Content marketing without a strategy is ineffective. You’re betting your marketing on luck, and that doesn’t work out great for any business. 

Before you start with your marketing, you need to ensure you have a perfect plan in place. 

To develop a basic plan, start by answering the following questions for yourself:

  • Who is your target audience?

  • What kind of content do they enjoy watching?

  • How can your product/service fit in the content, without being forced into it?

With answers to these questions, you’ll know what videos you should create, how to create them, and where your product should fall within the videos.

  1. Create a Video Content Guideline

After you understand the type of videos you need to create, draft an easy-to-follow guideline creating those. Though it’s not mandatory, it will make things very easy for you in the long run. 

The guideline should include details about colors, fonts, and types of videos to include or exclude. You can also create a branded intro using an online intro maker, so all your videos have the same initial branding. Click here for more ideas.

Overall, your aim here should be to eliminate subjectivity from the video content creation. Anyone viewing the guidelines apart from you should know precisely what you want and create something as close to your requirements as possible. 

  1. Setup a Content Schedule, and Stick to it

This is the most crucial part, however, most brands miss out on this. You can create all the documentation you want, but your marketing will stay where it is without the real content being produced. 

Start from day 1. And follow the set content schedule until you identify that the ROI from your Youtube marketing isn’t up to the market.

With YouTube, there’s usually never “too much content.” However, to avoid coming across a spam video channel, try to stay in the average one to two videos per day range.

  1. Editing Videos to Keep People Watching

Grabbing user attention is one part of the game. Keeping them engaged is a whole new challenge. Youtube’s interface is created such that users can continue to browse through and click on another video if your video doesn’t keep them hooked. 

There are some advanced video editing tools on the marketing, but they have a steep learning curve. So when you’re starting, you can easily edit video online with some of the online tools that offer a much easier interface with prebuilt templates and designs. Know more about these tools.

This will not only make video production faster but also make it look better if without the need for advanced video editing skills.

  1. Optimize Your Videos for Youtube Before Publishing

After your videos are ready, it’s time to optimize them for search. Youtube SEO is a game of trial-and-error. What works for another channel may not work for you. When you start, nail the necessary optimizations before you go into the technicalities. 

Some easy optimization techniques for your video:

  • Create an excellent video thumbnail. This will be the first thing your audience looks at. So make it enjoyable. Don’t get too professional here as your video will look like an advertisement. The thumbnails should be easy to perceive, so your audience can relate. 

  • Add a catchy, click-worthy title. If you’re creating videos to entertain, you have more freedom. But for informative videos, you can extend this by adding an interesting fact in the title. The idea is to stand out from all other videos.

  • Consider your description as a blog post. Go long. No one might ever read it, but it will help you with more keywords to rank for. And if your competitors have short and shallow descriptions, your videos will gain further authority by being detailed. 

  • Add a lot of relevant tags while adding your videos. Use tags that people are searching for. Using narrower and broader topics in your tags will increase your video relevancy.

Advanced video optimization will take a lot of experimenting on your part, so keep analyzing and trying out new things with every video you put out.

  1. Interact With Your Audience

Youtube loves brands that engage with their audience. So make sure you read through and like or reply to many comments on your Youtube. It may even be possible in the beginning to respond to every comment, and you should take it up as an opportunity to do just that. 

As your audience grows, it’s okay not to keep up with the flow of comments. At that point, you can consider engaging with relevant comments at the least. 

One of the easiest and least time-consuming ways to engage with your audience is by giving them a heart or pin a useful comment. It shows your audience that you listen to them, read their comments, and encourage them to keep up with your future videos.

  1. Network and Collaborate With Relevant Influencers

Growing an audience on Youtube is no joke. Things may not progress as quickly, even if after posting a lot of content consistently. In this case, there’s an easier route. 

Influencers are always looking for exciting content, and enjoy doing interviews. If you can get your company’s founder on an interview with an existing influencer, things can speed up pretty quickly for you online. 

The success rate with this step may not be too high in the initial phase. But if you can manage to get mentioned or show up on a few influencer videos, your growth will skyrocket, unlike any other content market strategy.


With the online marketing industry booming now more than ever, it is time you take your small business online and engage in YouTube video marketing to ensure that your business grows in leaps and bounds and you acquire a steady and loyal customer base.  

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Created on Oct 16th 2020 00:55. Viewed 282 times.


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