

by Pamtec Enviro Systems Road Sweeping Machines

It can be hard to keep on top of a busy life, but at this time of year, the pressure to have your home ready for Christmas is even greater. If you struggle to find time to clean and organize your home, take heart: we've got four weeks' worth of tips that will help you make sure everything's ready for the holidays with the end of lease cleaning team!

Start by decluttering with end of lease cleaning Adelaide

Start by decluttering the things you use least. If you’re moving in a few months, it might feel like having more stuff is a good idea. However, the reality is that you will only take what fits in your new home and once everything has been moved, you won’t want to lug anything else around with you.

Don't get rid of things that could be useful in future – even if they are broken or not working properly now. If there's something valuable but not in working order, consider taking it to a repair shop so that when it does work again (if ever), you're ready for it!

Don't throw things away until after moving day - free storage space can come in handy if and when items need rescuing from an old house sale or garage sale one day!

Pack up the decorations

Now is your last chance to pack up the decorations before Christmas. Don’t forget to put them away carefully so that they don't get damaged in storage, and don't leave them out in the rain or snow. If you've got an attic, use it for storage if possible—otherwise, find a box big enough to fit each item into without being too big for your closet or other storage space (you'll thank yourself later when you actually have time).

Don't leave any decorations out in direct sunlight either—the heat could damage delicate fibers such as ribbon or fabric quickly!

Clean up the garden

To ensure that your outdoor space is shipshape for the festive season, you'll want to give it a thorough clean.

Start outside by removing dead leaves and branches from your garden. You can do this in one of two ways: by pulling them off with your hands or using a rake to get them out of the way. Then, rinse off any patio furniture that isn't under cover and give it a quick sweep before storing until springtime! If you have an automatic lawnmower, check whether it's been winterized properly. If not, use warm water and soap to wash off any remaining grass clippings so they don't hinder performance when you turn on the machine next spring. Lastly (but not leastly), check all tools used outdoors—for instance shovels, hoes and rakes—to make sure they're in working order before putting them away for another year!

Clean the kitchen

  • Clean the kitchen. Since you scrubbed your kitchen floor and cabinets last week, this week you'll focus on wiping down all of your appliances, including the sink and taps, fridge and freezer, oven, microwave and stove top. This is a great time to do some deep cleaning if you have time since they're already out of the way!

  • Tackle small cleaning tasks that have been lingering in your "to-do" list for awhile: dusting light fixtures; vacuuming under beds (if you don't have bed skirts); changing linens on beds; changing bathroom towels as needed; emptying pet food bowls daily if necessary—think about what needs doing around the house before tackling this task!

Clean the fridge and oven

The first thing to do is clean the fridge, freezer, and oven with the end of lease cleaning Adelaide team. The kitchen is going to be one of the most used rooms in your house over Christmas so it's important that it looks its best at all times. You should also have a look at all of your appliances, including the microwave, kettle, toaster and dishwasher. These should be cleaned thoroughly after each use – this way they'll always look shiny and new!

Finally you should move onto cleaning other parts of the home like sinks or bathrooms as well as windows on outside doors which might get dirty from people walking past during winter months when it gets dark early in evenings so there's no excuse not too take care off these areas before guests arrive!

Deal with stubborn stains like mould and mildew

Mould and mildew are stubborn stains that creep up in your home throughout the year, but they’re far easier to deal with if you get to them before they can start spreading.

  • Vinegar: Mix one part vinegar with two parts water in a spray bottle and use it to clean mould and mildew from hard surfaces like walls, windowsills, shower grates or tiles.

  • Bleach: Mix one part bleach with nine parts water in a bucket and use it for large areas where mould is growing on carpets or upholstery. (If you have sensitive skin you might want to wear rubber gloves.)

Wash windows

  • Use a squeegee to remove water, and then dry them with newspapers.

  • Mix vinegar and water in a spray bottle, and then spray the mixture on your windows. (This will help clean the glass.)

  • Let the windows dry overnight, or until they're completely dry. If there are any streaks left after drying, use a soft cloth to remove them before you put up your Christmas decorations!

Strip and wash curtains and blinds

  • Strip and wash curtains and blinds.

  • Use a stiff brush to remove as much dust as possible from the fabric before you start washing.

  • Don’t use hot water on velvet or silk fabrics as this can damage them, but if you are washing a cotton curtain or blind, hot water will help to remove stains.

  • Do not use bleach on any colours other than white!

Tackle your bathroom

Your bathroom is one of the easiest rooms to clean, but it's also one that can be quickly forgotten. Whether you choose to do a deep clean or just a quick tidy up, here are some simple steps to get your bathroom ready for Christmas:

  • Clean the shower screen and tiles. Use a vinegar solution (1 part vinegar and 5 parts water) to remove soap scum from the tiles in your shower area, then wipe them down with warm soapy water. Leave them to dry out properly before putting away any cleaning implements and supplies.

  • Clean the toilet bowl. Using an all-purpose cleaner like Mr Muscle Automotive Degreaser (£3) will help loosen any stains or dirt that's built up in there over time - just make sure not to use this product on polished or coloured surfaces such as porcelain or chrome taps as they may discolour under its effects! If possible try using natural cleaners like lemon juice instead – they're just as effective yet more environmentally friendly too!

Dust, vacuum, mop floors

This is the first step in cleaning your home for Christmas. It’s actually three steps in one: dusting, vacuuming and mopping the floor but end of lease cleaning Adelaide will help you. First you have to dust all surfaces in your home – this includes inside drawers and cupboards as well as on shelves and tables. Dusting can be done with a duster or a cloth that has been dipped into water. After you have dusted all surfaces make sure that there are no residual particles on them by wiping them again with a dry cloth or paper towel. You should also clean any glass surfaces by moistening a cloth with some soapy water (warm water works best) and wiping down those areas where there are fingerprints or marks from use over time such as door handles etcetera..

Once this has been done it is time to vacuum carpets/rugs (with attachments), upholstery of furniture (with attachments) curtains/blinds (with attachments). Your next step will be mopping floors depending on how dirty they are but if they aren't too bad then just sweeping them should suffice at this stage because mopping later on could end up making things worse due to excess moisture which would make for an unpleasant smell when drying occurs!


It’s important to remember that no matter how big or small your home is, you can always find things to do. There are so many cleaning tasks that can be done by End of lease cleaning Adelaide team in just four weeks! So start with decluttering, then pack up decorations and clean up the garden. Then clean the kitchen thoroughly by washing windows and stripping curtains and blinds before tackling bathroom tiles or even stripping floors if necessary. Finally, keep dusting regularly during this time period as well!


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About Pamtec Enviro Systems Innovator   Road Sweeping Machines

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Joined APSense since, October 5th, 2021, From Mumbai, India.

Created on Nov 21st 2022 01:51. Viewed 100 times.


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