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I made this video about the uses of the APSense.Me Live Stream, the add-on service with Twitter-like features.

by Philippe Moisan Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
I made this video about the uses of the APSense.Me Live Stream, the add-on service with Twitter-like features.
Aug 17th 2011 10:11

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Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Mariam, 2 things: 1) I wrote an article titled "How to make money with APSense. 2) you can go in the APSense Wiki in the General section to see how to make your signature clickable
Aug 23rd 2011 15:16   
Ljerka S. Committed  Teacher
A nice video! Shall we mail our friends with this video included?
Aug 27th 2011 04:38   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Ljerka, usually, in emails, you send links to videos, not the video itself, because most Internet Service Providers won't let it pass, since they don't know the content.
Aug 27th 2011 07:40   
sohrab shah Committed   medical engineer
Aug 29th 2011 13:27   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Janian, please delete your comment, we are not allowed to post unrelated links in discussions
Aug 29th 2011 21:25   
Toshiba Burton Senior   Social Media Consultant
Thanks Philippe love the accent to:)
Oct 11th 2011 12:29   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
lol American ladies say that often about my accent :)
Oct 11th 2011 16:09   
Waqar Ahmad Advanced  Education Consultant
Philippe really beautiful accent and I like it very much but some things i can not understand but you video is really informative.
Waqar Ahmad
Jan 10th 2012 01:56   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Waqar, let me know what are the things you don't understand, it could be the subject of another video if there are things I haven't covered properly about APSense.Me
Jan 24th 2012 15:53   
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