Facebook likes exchange

Is there any way to have a url list ongoing? This is the hard way of trying to do this. When we comment it pushes everything off the pages. Also it ...

by Patty d. Promotor OJS
Patty d. Senior   Promotor OJS
Is there any way to have a url list ongoing? This is the hard way of trying to do this. When we comment it pushes everything off the pages. Also it gets very confusing if you have been there already or not. FB has an app that the moderator controls to keep it current.
Jul 27th 2011 15:35

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Tricia (Patricia) Fahrendorf Advanced   
Patty, I don't have an answer for that. I would be interested though. Hope some of our guru's come along and help with this one. Have a blessed day
Jul 27th 2011 16:04   
Patty d. Senior   Promotor OJS
Wonderful news Radek - hopefully it will work out for the group.
Jul 27th 2011 16:19   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
yes, Radek, that's the simple way, maybe not everyone moderator, but a few who can then add links, maybe a FB group too, with a document to add links
Jul 27th 2011 18:06   
Tricia (Patricia) Fahrendorf Advanced   
Not sure I understand but I will be watching closely. @Radek, hello and thank you for the contact request. I approved it.
Jul 27th 2011 21:46   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Maybe Allison could put Radek as moderator, so then you could add resources, my friend
Jul 29th 2011 15:38   
Tricia (Patricia) Fahrendorf Advanced   
Good suggestion. Radek I submitted a request to join the group. Looks great.
Jul 29th 2011 17:38   
Tricia (Patricia) Fahrendorf Advanced   
I have done posted. I am suppose to be working on Splash pages, but I needed some info from my business section to complete one of them. I will stop by the FB site later.
Jul 30th 2011 12:06   
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