Business Round Table

How much effort do you waste on Deadwood?

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
Do you have a business that involves a downline?  If so how much effort are you wasting on your deadwood?  Odds are the deadwood is getting the majority of your time and effort. You are trying to get them to do...something.
The truth is that it is our first instinct to give our attention to the dead wood, you want to prod the horse that is not moving.  But that is the exact opposite of what you should do!
Look closely at your downline.  Who are your workers?  Who is out there either getting it done or putting the honest effort into trying to get it done?  This is where you will find your superstars.  They are not hiding among the inert lumps.
The majority of your effort should go to your superstars!  The are doing what it takes to climb up the ladder and in return will push you.  That happens because you can tend to your own business while coaching or guiding them.  You are working and they are working.
Now turn it around to putting effort into the deadwood.  There's no guiding deadwood because they do not have the gumption to do what needs to be done.  If they did they would not be deadwood.  When you focus on the deadwood you are not only having to coach them you are going to have to constantly pull them off the couch, kick them in the butt or otherwise spur them to do something.  You get so involved in spurring them that you look around and see your own business suffering from inattention.
Do you want to spend your time and effort coaching, prodding and leading by the hand or do you want to coach someone who will then use their own activity to apply what you have shown them how to do.
No I'm not saying you cut the deadwood off totally.  You focus your effort on your superstars and your business and just drop on your deadwood.  Odds are that the inert limps will remain inert lumps but sometimes, just sometimes and inert lump will get tired of being an inert lump.  They will get active but then again when that happens they transform from deadwood to superstars.
Mar 21st 2011 13:52

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Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
I needed this peep talk...... today especially.
Your right about the deadwood

If I could only find people like me!

Mar 21st 2011 14:11   
Katrina O. Professional   Indiana Water Filters
Cindy...finding people like us is very hard!! I know what you mean, hun! Cheryl, great subject...I waste too much time on them too! I enjoyed the pep talk today too!
Mar 21st 2011 14:18   
Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
Can you imagine if the 3 of us teamed up?????
We would fix the world!
Mar 21st 2011 14:21   
Katrina O. Professional   Indiana Water Filters
I am so ready!!! Let's GO!!!!
Mar 21st 2011 14:22   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I have my moments too. Those times where you want it for people more than they want it for themselves. It is an easy and very draining trap to fall into!
Mar 21st 2011 14:37   
Corey Blackmur Committed   Blackmur Global
Great article Cheryl; sometimes I have to just look in the mirror and see that there are times when I can be "deadwood" as well.

I definitely want to add value to those I work with and not be one of the ones considered "deadwood", but on those "bad" days that happen,,,,,,,,well you just never know.
I guess as long as I take small steps every day towards my ultimate goal, it will hopefully benefit those I work with as well.
Mar 22nd 2011 22:13   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Actually those 'off' days are one of the things that separates the superstars from the deadwood. The superstar thinks I had a bad day but the next day the get right back on the horse. The dead wood thinks I fell off the horse horse, I might as well stay right here resting on my butt in the dirt.
Mar 22nd 2011 22:37   
Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
Anyone read the book, "Acres of Diamonds"? Sometimes there are true superstars hiding in the dead wood pile, but I'm not saying to spend time on them as much as make it easy for them to qualify for it.
Mar 23rd 2011 00:32   
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