How Can You Earn an Income On the Internet

Finding The Right Business For You

by Corey Blackmur Blackmur Global
Corey Blackmur Committed   Blackmur Global
How Can You Earn an Income on the Internet?

Well to me I guess part of it would be to Find the Right Business for YOU...

If you think that starting your own internet marketing business is the answer to some of your problems whether it's wanting more money or the desire for more free time, you might be in for an eye opening.  If you don't choose your path or find the right business for you it just might be the beginning of more problems instead of less problems.


So how can you find the right business and success in an internet marketing business
without failing?

HUGE question isn't it and one that has a multitude of answers, some right some not
so right.  So let's just shed a bit of light on the subject and start with 3 simple items that might shed some light on your quest.


Desire or Passion


Let's start with Desire or Passion ----

Successful entrepreneurs have a common thread no matter if they run a one man operation or a Fortune 500 company - Desire and Passion.
If you don't have the drive, desire, passion and determination to work for yourself if you don't think you can give up the security of a regular pay cheque then you will have great difficulty working for yourself and trying to build an internet marketing business.


Discretion ----

There are many opportunities or programs available throughout the internet.   Some are good, some are frauds but I would dare say that several are probably absolutely perfect for YOU.  Each individual has strengths, talents and weaknessess that will impact which business suits them best. If you are shy or hate to talk to people than it would be wise to stay away from businesses that require a lot of face-to-face selling.  Now in saying that, you should also know that any business requires sales; no sales, no profit, it's as simple as that.


If the product, program or opportunity is not something you would personally use then it's
likely not something you would want to promote and that'll show in your efforts.  Remember - "do diligence" - research the business and read the fine print!


Discipline ----

Working for yourself you won't have a boss to report too, but if you expect to make a living
then you will have to discipline yourself. Have a schedule that you follow every day.   Plan your time wisely, it's vitally important to know what needs to be done and to have the
discipline to do it.

Many have found great happiness and success working for themselves.


Enjoy the search and find YOUR perfect business!
Jan 4th 2011 11:50

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Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
Great post Corey! I would add consistency to the list too. I have read that those who are successful were consistent in building their business. Yes, owning an online business can be rewarding but it takes a lot of our own hard sweat to build. But in the end we can proud of our own accomplishment.
Jan 4th 2011 12:02   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
@Corey, very good article. I would also add that one needs to identify his skills and find opportunities where he can use those skills. Skills like creating videos, writing, public speaking, coaching, etc...
Jan 4th 2011 12:04   
Katrina O. Professional   Indiana Water Filters
Great post Corey! Finding the right fit for a home business can take a while. There are so many ways to earn a living in IM. Great advice!
Jan 5th 2011 07:35   
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