Pro-Active Apsense

Daily Action

by Warren Contreras Old Retired Guy
Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
I have been trying to complete the daily mission as often as I can lately and it's actually getting to be fun. Most of them are not really challenging, it just stimulates daily action and that has to be a good thing for all of us, wouldn't you agree?

So how about some of you coming along with my new quest, as long as we are here we might as well make the best of it. Who knows, it might just result in helping your online presence.

I like to read the solo emails that come, so it's not much harder to click over to my account and check out the mission for the day. I have almost $30 saved up doing that.

See you all online!

P.S. Yeah this post completed my mission for today.
Oct 7th 2010 21:54

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Catherine White Committed   Entreprenuer
I agree completing the daily missions is a way to stimulate activity. On a day I might be feeling lazy, this gives me the extra incentive I need to get out there and do a little something. ApSense is very creative in getting the membership to be active.
Dec 25th 2010 12:05   
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