How Can You Earn an Income On the Internet

The Fastest and Easiest Way To Make Money?

by Lonnie Niver Niver's Art
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
March 19, 2011

Yea my Michigan connection, yes we did found the fastest and easiest way to earn an income.....from cell phones, to this new found wealth we just learned time to proceed with the members and get them to see the picture like we did....More to come in the next few days....BUT KEEP THIS DATE OPEN MARCH 27, founder of this group l can post here....and promote like l always do........yea you where right.....!!!

If you want to make money fast and easy I have the solution to your problem. Your not going to like my answer but it is the honest to god's truth.

The Answer:


You are not ready to make money on the internet. If you think you're going to start  make money fast on the internet you're sadly mistaken. Making money fast are for those who learn quickly. For the rest of us we have to work harder. Money doesn't just fall from a tree into our laps. If that's the case
then we would all be rich and living the good life. To earn money on the internet we have to have patients because it all starts by  planting a seed first and then giving it water and nutrients to help it grow.

What is the seed?

The seed is YOU. When you first start trying to make money on the internet you are a nobody. Think of yourself as a seed planted in the ground. Nobody knows you exist. As it rains and the sun shines the seed starts to open and when it breaks through the surface of the ground it becomes something. You are just like the seed, you haven't established your place on the internet to be trust worthy or have anything to offer so, you have to find the water and nutrients to help you grow. Your water and nutrients is your training. Feed your mind with knowledge by finding a mentor you can follow. Learn as much as you can because the information you learn from them you will be used to teach others. The more knowledge you have to offer the faster you will break the surface for people to recognize you.

The other thing I mentioned is patients. Not to brag, I have made over $3000 in the last few months from different programs on the internet. The money I made wasn't made by regurgitating a sales pitch. It was made by offering free information of what I have learned over the years. The knowledge I have accumulate over time has helped me establish myself. I have had to be patient and work hard for what I have made and this is something a lot of people don't understand. Patients is a virtue. You have to have patients if you want to be successful earning an income on the internet.

Be patient and educate your mind and then share it with others. Plant a seed today to succeed tomorrow! This is the fastest and easiest way to earn an income on the internet.

Regards, Lonnie
D. Niver JOIN

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Jun 15th 2010 15:36

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Jose Palomino Professional   Consultant
Good topic Lonnie.
I tweet your discussion
Jul 19th 2010 16:33   
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
Thank you Jose!
Jul 27th 2010 07:30   
Roblee Meadows Innovator  RobMeadows
As always old friend you couldn't have told anthing more truthful & honest about making money on line. Keep up the good work.
Jul 31st 2010 13:23   
Ian Begg Committed   Marketer, Engineer
An Excellent Topic Lonnie, and one that many people need to be made aware of. Kepp up the good work mate - ian
Jul 31st 2010 22:32   
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
Thank you Ian. Lonnie
Aug 10th 2010 18:47   
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
Hey Roblee, Didn't notice you wrote something. Thank you for stopping by. Lonnie
Aug 10th 2010 18:48   
Daniela P. Senior   Art Crafts
Great and perfect job Lonnie!All is true!I am proud to know you!
Aug 18th 2010 15:37   
Dawn C. Advanced   Work at Home Mom
This is great Lonnie! Unfortunately there are too many Internet businesses that flash big income numbers out at people. Of course newbies get all excited (I did when I first started) but then get discouraged and even give up when they find out that they are not making that kind of money. I have seen it too many times. Very sad.
Nov 21st 2010 10:55   
Rieke F. Senior   Consultant
Thanks for these clear words. One very important thing: when you start, write down everything what you are doing. I didn't - consequently I am now unable to remember what I did that brought a positive result.
On the other hand never forget: online marketing is a steady learning process, some knowledge you get by following a mentor, other information by trying for yourself and realizing this way how and where to improve. It's always worthwhile.
Nov 22nd 2010 07:17   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
Lonnie i 100% agree with the content of your article. It takes commitment, a lot of hard work and patience. There is no such thing as easy money. Not in the real world and not in cyberworld. Unless you are lucky to win the lottery (a real one, there are a lot of scam lotteries). I tried to join the group but I think your group does not exist anymore because the link does not work properly.
Nov 22nd 2010 07:26   
Laura Newton Committed  The Water Filter Lady
Good one Lonnie. This article so reminds me of me. Thats right, there is no fast or easy way to earn money on the internet. BUT you CAN make money on the interent. My hubby told me I would Never make money selling online, but I proved him wrong. Did I do it over night? heck no! It takes years of hard work to make what i consider a decent income. One that replaces the income you had working for someone else. What an accomplishement you feel though once you achieve that goal!! It is truly gratifying!
Dec 7th 2010 11:44   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
This is how farmers that are successful, enjoy and reap the benefits of what they plant. Yes it all takes time for it to grow properly, you need have water, fertilizer and sunshine all to grow and this all takes time.

So why should the internet marketing be any different it all takes special formulas and work for your business online to grow, one step at a time think of what Lonnie has just said and it will all grow with the right steps..
Dec 7th 2010 11:44   
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
Thank you Laura and Joe. I have been making money online since 2002 or I should say I started doing online business in 2002. Did I make money right off the bat? NO I DID NOT! The is that it took a lot of learning what others did and sorted through the ones that worked for me. My wife laughed at me when I said I was making money online but then she stopped laughing and started asking whens the next check. LOL!
Dec 7th 2010 13:03   
Katrina O. Professional   Indiana Water Filters
Love this Lonnie! Topping and sharing...putting the link in a post for the GRP group! Great information! So very true, in IM and life in general, never expect to get something for doing nothing, it will just never happen that way! We all have to work for what we get!
Dec 8th 2010 11:53   
Corey Blackmur Committed   Blackmur Global
Lonnie you mention patience and education; key items to for earning an income online and offline for that matter. I just read a book called the "Outliers" and the author mentions that a person requires 10,000 hours (or 10 years) on average to be educated as a proficient expert in anything. Basically I guess that means that the seed you plant today matures with success in about 10 years.

mmmmm - and there are some that think they will "get rich quick" here, I don't think so!
As far as education, I've been a manufacturers sales representative in the electrical industry offline for some 35 years basically and I'm still learning and being educated.
Dec 12th 2010 11:25   
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
Yes Patience and Education! It's not about making money quick it's about learning the industry and how it works. I am also still learning and being educated. things change and we have to stay up to date with the newest and the best training.

Dec 13th 2010 12:19   
Rajesh Kumar Dhiman Advanced   Your Win Always Behind Your Fear
You are absolutely right. I too made some small amount of money from internet and making too from different.. If you allow I want to put your this article on my blog...I will with back link to this...
Dec 19th 2010 11:04   
Katakam Srinivasa Rao Advanced   Internet Marketer
Thank U Lonnie
Dec 23rd 2010 06:10   
Nelson I. Senior   Marketer
Nice one. Keep it up. This is what i called point blank fact.
Dec 24th 2010 05:47   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Mar 19th 2011 15:00   
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