How Can You Earn an Income On the Internet

Exposing The Keyword Science of Twitter!

by Lonnie Niver Niver's Art
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
Written By Lonnie Niver

I wrote a post not too long ago called "Are Your Twitter Posts
Getting Read?" where I talked about how twitter works. But
the article didn't give enough information where someone new would
understand it so, I made a video that explains the use of keywords on
twitter to generate unique traffic to your sites.

One person
who commented on my article saying that she doesn't use Twitter anymore
because by the time she added a post there was about 100 more posts
right behind hers so how is anyone going to see her post. This is so
true but what she doesn't know is that there is a science behind twitter
using keywords.

You have heard people say to use keywords when
posting on twitter, haven't you? There is a reason people say this.
It's because when you use a keyword in your post it targets people
having the same interest. For example: If I wrote a post discussing
"Network Marketing" then I would use Network Marketing and any other
keywords pertaining to network marketing in my post. The post may
get shuffled to the bottom quick on the home page but it will take
longer on the keyword page.

That is right I said Keyword
Page. This page consists of every Twitter user using the same keywords.

so I said I have a video for you so here it is  The
Keyword Science of Twitter" This video explains how you can
benefit from twitter by using Keywords in your posts. Take the time to watch the video and give me your opinion. We all love opinions and you may know something that I missed that can help someone else.

Regards, Lonnie
D. Niver JOIN

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May 5th 2010 10:07

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Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
You did a great job with this video should help all who decide to use be more effective with twitter...Job well done...
May 5th 2010 14:44   
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
Thank you very much Joe! I will be working on more video's as we move forward with this group. I am hoping to make better and more understanding videos to come.

Together Everyone Accomplishes More
Lonnie niver
May 5th 2010 14:47   
Steven Egu Professional   Owner, Egu Technologies
You did a good job on this article and video. I have found that focused niches work very well on twitter. If you go too broad like "Home Based Business" conversion declines.

But FOCUSED niches like "Creating the best potato gun" convert like mad.
May 5th 2010 14:59   
Roblee Meadows Innovator  RobMeadows
Good job of explaining just how important Keywords are in order to have your postings found. When just starting out and even later on. We have to remember how essential they are for everything on the Internet.
May 9th 2010 13:57   
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
Thank you Rob!

One thing I should also mention is to place the keywords in your headings. Use multiple keywords so that you target more than just one group of people. When you share an article the heading is what people are going to see.

Together Everyone Accomplishes More
Lonnie Niver
May 10th 2010 13:01   
Ian Begg Committed   Marketer, Engineer
Hi Lonnie, I just tried to get to your Video via the link above but got page not found. is the video still available ? I'd like to check it out if possible mate :-) Thanks.
Oct 30th 2010 13:25   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
When you use the above steps that Lonnie has illustrated for our members to become very good at what we do. Getting the correct target hits back to our site is vital and Twitter has that ability why we get so many hits on all we write....

We understand how to market the articles we publish and we will do it and teach our members how to also do it...

good stuff buddy,,
Nov 27th 2010 10:51   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
Lonnie I wanted to view the video but Google says "not found".
Nov 27th 2010 12:39   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
The link now works, that video is no longer on the internet so l replaced it one very close to what Lonnie was using....He will also revised and choose the one he decides to need for broken links...they hurt us all...
Nov 27th 2010 13:09   
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