Sharper Focus on QC Tech

OK, Why am I excited?

by David Schupbach
David Schupbach Senior was a spur of the moment descision, one of those things that just came along at the right time.

     I usually get around 200 - 250 e-mails per 24 hr period, due to all the mailing lists I am on.  I have suscribed to a number of marketing newsletters, giveaways, etc.  Usually I delete 80% or better unopened.

     For some reason, I decided to investigate this opp. even though I am not really sure what caught my attention.  Several things coming togather I guess.

     First of all, Mark Hultgren tipped me off to the 10,000 PLR article pack, + all the other scraps, e-books, software, and etc etc I have on my hard drive.  This has been my direction for some time now, to provide information and resources.  For instance, my site: was born out of that goal, as was .  I have gone from thinking of myself as a blogger to having the self-image of a Web Publisher.

     Then, I received a promo letter from one of the marketers whose mailing list I subscribe to.  I almost didn't open it.  But on a whim I did.  The link took me to the sales page, which I immediately scrolled to the bottom of to see what the price was.  "Huh! $49.99 a month!"  "Are they Crazy?!"  And at that point I closed the page and went back to my e-mail.

     To tell you the truth, I didn't even know for sure what I had just looked at.

     However the subconcious is a wonderful thing.  About 10 minutes later, a bell rang in the back of my mind.  "What was that thing I had just seen?"  I went back and looked at the page again.  Slowly an Idea began to form.  I had been working with the Article Dashboard software, trying to get it set up and working  over at   But, for some reason I got something wrong, and was struggling to figure out what it was.

     That's when it hit me!  I could simply take the Profit Mart site, add the content I already have to the different catagories, get my friends to contribute a few articles, and PRESTO! Everything I had been trying to do, already DONE! 

     Not to mention, the site template is already loaded with Google Ads, Amazon, ClickBank Products etc..  Something I had already planned for my Article Directory!

     Then, when I realized they also have it optimized for search engines, plus they help you drive traffic to the site...  I was hooked!  The final clincher was when I read the part about the $10 for every referral!  No, I am not planning to make a lot of money from referrals, but only 5 per month would make the site free!  Oh, and did I mention they also include the domain name and web hosting in that 49.99?

     The downside, is it is shared hosting, so sometimes the site is a little slow, but since everything is mostly text based, it hasn't seemed to be much of a problem so far.

NOW!  something I would like to offer you is the opportunity to contribute any of your articles you would like.  The site has 96 different catagories, so you should find something you like!  If you want to send me your work, it would be solely for the purpose of having your articles, and thereby your links that you want to advertise out in more places.  I won't be charging you, and I won't be selling your articles either!  So no money to me either way!  All I would get would be content, and you would get more exposure.

     If it is a previously published article, you would need to rewrite the content by at least 20% so I don't get penalized for duplicate content.  A good tool to use is DupeFreePro, found at

     Sorry to carry on for so long, but I am EXCITED!

Mar 10th 2008 22:04

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Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, David,

Profit Mart certainly seems to be an easy option and one I have looked at in my search for a way to become an internet marketer.

I will take you up on the point you made about changing an article by 20% to ensure that you are not penalised for duplicate content.

If you read the rules, for content to be considered 'duplicated' it has to be on the SAME site. Look at it this way, millions of sites have RSS feeds and thousands, if not hunfreds of thousands, will have exactly the same syndicated article - but they will not be penalised for duplication.

What is likely to be penalised is an article of 300 words containing a key word more than five times - especially if that key word is in the site meta tags.

This research sure does take up a lot of time but it is surprising how often you see that a term has been taken out of context and used by gurus to sell (miss)information products.
Mar 11th 2008 05:37   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Now don't be blaming me for filling up your HD David ! LOL I just thought it was an excellent package (especially for the price!) :-)

Watch for some of my submissions soon!

You are so correct in how many of the big wigs in IM take a topic out of context, but that may be a method of generating some interest in the topic too! Headlines and Subheadings can make or break your sales pitch and for those just starting out, the topic will bring in more sales than the content itself more often than not!
If I actually read everything I bought when I first started, I would still be chasing my tail with regards to the Misdirection and misinformation that was packaged into a sharp looking sales page.
Mar 11th 2008 10:53   
David Schupbach Senior   
Thanks Arthur, Mark,
I have heard it both ways, Arthur, and I tend to believe you are right, but I still err on the side of caution. By Rules, you mean google?

Mark, I currently have 190 gigs, so I will be alright...I needed something to fill up some of that empty space!
Mar 11th 2008 21:49   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty

It's a long url but gives the definitive rules used by Google and, as far as I have been able to ascertain, every other search engine that recognises duplication of content.

The defining sentence is "Duplicate content generally refers to substantive blocks of content within or across domains that either completely match other content or are appreciably similar."

It is the use of "across" domains that has enabled gurus to frighten too many people into buying such things as article rewriters. Obviously across domains is totally different to "between" domains.

You will notice that Google doesn't actually penalise duplicated content - it simply chooses which copy of the content it will recognise (unless it is apparent that the duplication is done to try to "manipulate the search engine rankings").

A little bit of research can tell you so much but, when you are busy trying to be an internet marketer, you often don't have the time. I am only now attempting to become an internet marketer and have had over two years to discover what the truth is.
Mar 12th 2008 04:18   
David Schupbach Senior   
Thanks Again Arthur

Just now getting back to this. That confirms what I Had read thru another source, Jim Kuukraal's tech blog, but I feel like I know and trust you more than him!
Mar 31st 2008 20:12   
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