Breathalyzers are small, hand-held devices that can be used to detect the level of a person’s blood alcohol by analyzing a breath sample. Law enforcement officers mainly use them but mainstream versions can also be found in bars and clubs and can be bought from stores for personal use.

As the prevention of drunk driving is a major concern for society today, the advantages of using a breathalyzer to detect the level of alcohol in a person’s system are numerous. Below you’ll find an outline of the main advantages of their use:

  1. Easy to Use

Breathalyzers are extremely easy to use. You simply blow into the appropriate mouthpiece for a determined length of time and the unit will interpret your blood alcohol level, giving you a reading within seconds. A breathalyzer is small and easy to carry around and will effortlessly fit into a pocket, pouch, bag or purse. 

  1. Accurate and Quick Results

Once you have provided the Breathalyzer with your breath sample, the device will measure the level of alcohol in your blood system by means of a chemical reaction which is activated by the level of ethanol in your breath. Once the device is regularly calibrated, the results will be extremely accurate. In addition, it is very difficult to tamper with the result of a breathalyzer.

  1. Less Accidents and Road Deaths

Drunk driving is the cause of the majority of deaths on our roads. Although legal alcohol limits are in place, there can be confusion as to what constitutes a person being over the legal limit and how much alcohol a person can legally drink and then drive. In this way, a breathalyzer can accurately display a person’s blood alcohol level and will indicate clearly whether that person is legally permitted to drive. By bringing down the incidents of drunk driving, our roads will be safer and there will be less accidents and road deaths. 

In short, using breathalyzers to detect the level of alcohol in a person’s system is a simple and foolproof way of making our roads and our drivers safer. 

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