Often referred to as BAC, the blood alcohol content in the blood is measured after a person consumes alcohol by using blood tests and devices called Breathalyzers. To get an accurate and trustworthy result, the amount of alcohol in the blood is assessed by volume or mass. 

If a person consumes a large amount of alcohol, the blood alcohol content will be high but will lessen as the body metabolizes the alcohol. It is important to remember that the BAC can increase after one has stopped drinking, and this happens as a result of some of the alcohol not being absorbed at the time of testing. Most law enforcement agencies use BAC to indentify people who are committing a DUI (driving under the influence) offence.

Is it important to measure the blood alcohol content in your blood? The answer to this question is always yes. Once you Buy a Breathalyzer, you have the ability to test your own BAC which will enable you to make an informed decision on whether or not you are fit to drive. 

There are a number of different factors that determine how quickly the level of alcohol that is in your blood rises and drops. Body size, food intake, gender and body type are all factors that can have an impact on your BAC. 

We've all heard the various invalid myths that are said to be effective in sobering someone up. If you think drinking coffee or water, taking a shower or nap or going for a run will sober you up, you need to think again. The only thing that is effective in lowering the level of alcohol in the blood is time and time only. Now there's something to think about the next time you've had a few too many to drink. 

If you have the tiniest inkling that you are over the legal limit to drive, take out your breathalyzer and test your BAC.

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