Some men can’t seem to find love, or even just a lover, in their current location. Frustratingly, they may find a potential partner who happens to be halfway around the world, or otherwise distant. Whether wanting a committed relationship or not, long-distance would-be sensual partners can engage in some pretty hot action together that defies the limits of space and allows for a surprising level of intimacy. When pursuing risqué conversation with someone far away, there are several things to keep in mind, including whether visual materials will be exchanged (in which case proper male organ care is all-important) and where one’s boundaries lie. The following long-distance sensual tips will help men navigate this exciting world.

1) Discuss Options

When pursuing something sensual with somebody far away, you have many options, from different kinds of dirty talk to the transmission of photos and videos.

Some partners will enjoy talking about what they’d like to do to one another, either in the moment or in the future, and be content to stop there. They can build a “sensual story” together; one can say what he or she wants, and the other can add in what he or she wants. This exchange can last for quite some time, and the individuals involved learn a lot about what the other likes.

Some partners want to see one another and show themselves in a variety of poses and states of undress. If this is so, it’s a good idea to ask the other what he or she would like to see.

2) Establish Boundaries

There are some types of dirty talk that some people are not comfortable with. Some people like to be called derogatory names, for example, while others don’t like that at all. Some people like to be dominated; some like to be dominant. Establish boundaries around the level of dirty talk to be engaged in.

It’s also important to establish physical boundaries, even though the two partners are not actually doing things physically to one another. First, consider that it’s possible that there will be an actual encounter in person sometime. But even aside from that, it can be uncomfortable or frightening to read about something being done to one’s body that one wouldn’t like, not to mention a turn-off. It’s a good idea to define one’s boundaries, then, noting anything he or she doesn’t like, such as rough stuff, biting, name-calling, etc.

Also establish boundaries for any visual materials that may be exchanged. Don’t just fire off a dick pic or an intense self-pleasuring video without knowing that one’s partner wants to see such a thing.

3) Temper Expectations

Sometimes, partners whose interactions have been solely or primarily online or via text may find the opportunity to be together in person. This is very exciting, but it’s important not to expect every single thing the two talked about doing at once. The two may have discussed myriad activities in the stories they developed, but one can’t expect to have 12 releases and the assumption of 15 of their favorite positions all in one night. If that happens – great! But both should enter the encounter with the expressed acknowledgement that there is no pressure to “live up” to the ideal stories they told.

4) Be Smart

When sending sensual photos or videos of oneself over the computer, phone or other device, it’s wise to keep one’s face out of it. Even if you trust the recipient of your precious visual gift, it’s still possible that somebody else could access a device, hack an email address, etc. and be indiscreet with the material. One can only truly protect oneself by keeping his or her face out of it.

If the partner across the way is interested in dick pics or self-pleasuring videos, a guy will want to make sure his manhood is looking good. Some guys get dry, flaky skin, partly due to friction from their hands. And if a man is embroiled in a steamy long-distance liaison, he may be doing a lot of solo play. To keep the skin vibrant and hydrated, he would do well to apply a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) with Shea butter and vitamin E, two excellent natural moisturizers. Also, vitamin C for firm skin is a great ingredient to look out for. Keep the tool ready for the cameras with such a product, along with proper hygiene.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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