Male organs bumps are not an uncommon experience for many men, and there’s a whole range of bumps and possible causes that can pop up on the tool without warning. One class of bumps that is experienced by about 1 in 4 men is pearly papules. These are bumps that appear even on men that take pains to practice exceptional male organ care, and for some men they are a cause of both concern and consternation.

What are Pearly Papules?

Many a man has been lovingly stroking his firm male organ only to discover that a ring of tiny little bumps has formed around the base of the glans. Typically flesh-colored or clear, they can take a man by surprise and inspire fear.

The first thought of many men who discover pearly papules decorating their equipment is that, though have been scrupulously careful, they have somehow acquired a social disease. All men need to rest assured that this is not the case with pearly papules. Exactly what causes these particular male organ bumps is unknown, but they clearly occur independent of sensual activity. They are classified as benign.


Once a man knows that he has not contracted a social disease, he may spend a little more time looking objectively at the papules he now sports. For some men, they are an added bonus; they like the rough-hewn look that the bumps add to their manhood. In addition, while quite small, these particular male organ bumps do give the member a bit of a “French tickler” appearance; some partners of men with papules report that the slightly raised surfaces add a special friction to intercourse that is highly pleasurable.

To other men, however, papules are an unwelcome blight upon their sacred manhood. They dislike the physical appearance and find that touching them feels strange. More importantly, they worry that their partners will not look kindly upon this new addition to their personal sensual arsenal. And in some cases, they do cause some slight soreness when undergoing vigorous sensual activity.

Can something be done?

Many men are anxious to rid their equipment of what they see as intruders. But is there anything they can do?

The answer is yes, but any attempts to remove pearly papules needs to be done by a professional in a proper setting. Some men attempt to remove them at home by themselves; this is not only ineffective but dangerous and can lead to infection and serious consequences.

There are several professional treatment methods that can be tried. These include removal by freezing, laser, cutting or electrical current. These treatments can be expensive and are not always successful; in addition, they typically require anesthesia and cause manhood soreness that can last for several days. It’s probably best for a man to consider removal of papules only if he is deeply bothered and distressed by them.

A better alternative is to try to simply accept these male organ bumps as being a natural part of life for some men. While the appearance may seem alien at first, many men (and their partners) find beauty in the bumps.

While exploring the landscape of a member with papules, a man may discover issues other than these male organ bumps. Having on hand a top-notch male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) will enable him to address these issues. Papules may be agitated by overly dry member skin, so regular use of a crème that possesses superior hydrating capabilities is essential; the presence of Shea butter and vitamin E indicates a powerful moisturizing crème. It is also beneficial if the crème contains vitamin A; too many members are cursed with a persistent and unpleasant odor that washing alone cannot control. The anti-bacterial properties of vitamin A can tackle that job, leaving a man with a much more presentable tool.

Visit for additional information on most common member health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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