When something goes wrong in the body, one of the first places a person should look for the source is the content of his plate. Proper nutrition is the foundation of health from the cells up, and the male organ is affected by what one eats as much as any other body part. The foods a man eats can either help or hinder bedroom activities. Men can boost their male organ care regimens by making alterations to their diet that promote good performance, healthy hormone levels and nicely flavored seed. Avoid consuming the following foods and beverages in excess for optimal male organ health.

1) Soy

While fine in moderation, soy should not be consumed in large quantities on a regular basis. That’s because it contains phytoestrogens, hormones that can actually lower male hormone levels. Healthy male hormone levels are needed to maintain sensual drive and quality performance. So keep the soy milk, tofu and other soy products to a minimum.

2) Coffee

A cup or two of Joe in the morning is A-okay, but guzzling down massive amounts of the stuff can raise levels of the stress hormone cortisol. High cortisol levels interfere with male hormone levels, meaning they interfere with sensual drive and male organ perkiness. Opt for ginseng tea instead – this not only provides energy, but it contains the amino acid L-arginine, which is believed to increase male organ sensitivity, making this a pick-me-up for the organ as well.

3) Red Meat

Most people love a good burger or steak, but consuming large amounts of red meat may have a negative impact on spunk flavor. A man can be kind to the partner in his life by keeping his level of red meat intake in check.

4) Refined Carbs

Bleached white flour is found in lots of carbs, including some pastas, graham crackers and breads. This ingredient can reduce male hormone levels. Go for whole grains instead.

5) Mint

Bad breath is a huge turn-off, but so is mint. Mint products contain menthol, which can reduce male hormone levels and cool off the sensual drive. Men should opt for brushing their teeth to keep their mouths fresh rather than relying on minty gums and Altoids.

6) Alcohol

When a man drinks too much, he often can’t get it up. Excess alcohol can cause other performance problems, too, including inability to reach release and an early finish. Try instituting a three drink max rule for better bedroom performance.

7) Soda

Soda is loaded with sugar and is one of the primary culprits behind the obesity epidemic in the United States. Diet sodas are no exception. Excess weight is associated with higher levels of estrogen and, therefore, lower levels of male hormone in men. Not only does weight impact bedroom performance, but it is a main factor in deadly diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. Do the waistline and the sensual drive a favor by drinking water instead.

8) Asparagus

It’s common knowledge that asparagus makes urine smell rather putrid, but it may also affect the smell and flavor of seed. A man who anticipates a good session of mouth-to-member later on, then, should avoid this vegetable.

A man should feed his male organ plenty of nutrients to support hydrated skin, proper blood flow and a healthy nerve supply, including vitamins E, C and A as well as L-arginine and alpha lipoic acid. These can be applied directly to the rod with a quality male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Along with proper hygiene and regular exercise of the member, a cream can supplement a man’s male organ care regimen to promote optimal organ form and function.

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