Cat owners have confided in me that their cats pee on their walls, on draperies, on counter tops, ect. This seems to be a problem with un-neutered male cats but that is not always the ONLY case.

Female cats as well as male cats are known to do this. In many cases even the cats that have been fixed do this. I am certain this nasty little habit that cats do is one of the greatest causes for them being returned to shelters or worse, just dumped off along a back road.

This also appears to happen when there is more than one cat in the house. Once one cat does this nasty little trick of peeing on things that it is not suppose to the other cat think this must be totally acceptable behavior.

Sometimes when a cat pees where it is not suppose to it is an indication that it may be sick, so it is always a good idea to rule out this possibility.
Perhaps a stray cats walked through your yard, your peeing cat may simply be marking it’s territory. They don’t know that your not crazy about the “way” they have chosen or “where” they have chosen to leave their scent.

I know all of this to be true because a few years ago someone dropped off 2 cats, a boy and a girl. I am certain they were brother and sister, The little girl had been fixed but the boy had not been, I accepted them into my home to join the other cats that had been dumped off.. people are so cruel, but that is another post.

It was not long before I knew why someone had dumped these beautiful cats off. They were PEE-ERS!! One spot on my wall was their favorite spot, by the food. The other spot was on one particular drapery, every 3 or 4 days this drapery would be pee-ed on. My daily routine was to wash the wall and every 3 or 4 days I had to wash the drapery.

I know many reading this would think I was crazy to put up with that but when you love critters like I do you just grin and bear it… and keep washing up!
I was always on the lookout for something that would be of help to me so this nasty little habit would cease.

This is what I found to help me with my problem… maybe it will work for you too.
STOP Cat Peeing

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