How many times have you started a new diet or exercise program, reached your 'goal weight', and then simply put it all back on-and more-within a short period of time? You're not alone. This is a fact of life for most people trying to lose weight out there. There are many reasons why it happens, but in my experience people's definition of 'goal weight' is at the heart of the problem.
Many times the 'goal weight' people set in a new program is at the upper end of their ideal weight. It's easy to achieve, which gives them a sense of accomplishment, but also not 'enough' to convince them of its benefit. There are two effects that reaching this 'goal weight' can have which actually negatively impact your ability to keep the weight off over the long term.
You Don't 'Look' Thin
This is especially a problem for women. For us, fitting into clothing, any clothing, is usually a superficial, but very real, goal. However, being at the top of what is considered 'healthy' for you doesn't guarantee that this is possible. You may be able to squeeze into the clothes, but they are not likely to look the way you want them to. One client explained it this way:
Even after I'd reached my 'goal weight', I still couldn't wear what I wanted and l felt like I still had a weight problem.
To make matters worse, being 'healthy' in terms of numbers, yet not looking your best, impacts the way people treat you. Fat bias is a very real phenomenon, one I have experienced firsthand. Don't think that a 5 kg doesn't make as much a difference as 45 kg when it comes to the type of attention you receive from others. If you want the self-esteem boost that weight loss is supposed to bring, you won't get it from displaying your weight on a plaque around your neck-you want people to notice you. But if you are still at the top of your 'healthy' range and still 'looking' a little chubby, they will not.
You Don't Feel Thin
Apart from the superficial, weight loss directly impacts your energy levels. I can tell you from personal experience that my energy level at 67 kg (the top of my 'healthy' weight range) versus how I feel now at closer to 50 kg is significant. In fact, when I began my initial weight loss journey, I stopped at around 60 kg and hovered at that weight for around five years. Although I was well within my 'healthy' range by all accounts, I still felt 'off'. It was only after losing another 8.5 kg that I finally began to understand how closely energy paralleled weight. In fact, the difference between my first 45 kg weight loss and my second 8.5 kg weight loss was nearly identical in terms of my energy level increase.
The problem here is in our perception of what 'healthy' really is and really feels like. Most of us consider a constant state of fatigue 'normal', we think that the overwhelming exhaustion that we feel at around 3pm is a given. Well, it's not! Despite what society tells you is 'normal' or 'healthy', only you truly know what it is like to feel your best.
Final Thoughts
Making the choice to lose weight, whether for health or for looks, is a big one. However, without understanding what it really means to be 'healthy' all the reasons in the world are not enough. You need to understand that the goals you set are not meant to be 'easy' or 'empowering', they are meant to work. If you want to lose weight and be healthy, then understanding just how much weight you need to lose is essential. Remember, it's your life, only you have the power to win it back, and wouldn't you rather take the gold?
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