I just got the inspiration to write this. I'm doing so more for myself than anything else, but if you can relate, or can get something out of it that would be "icing on the cake".

I have lived my life willy nilly, and care free for the most part. I am blessed with a great gal and life partner, my wife of 17+ years Juana, two beautiful, intelligent teenage daughters, four adorable rescue dogs, and two ferocious cats, well not ferocious but very cute and cuddly.

Life has not always been fair to me I must admit, the downs at times have been really down. The highs, have been on the other end of the spectrum, sometimes way up there. Leaving me feeling as though I were dancing on the clouds.

This week, as we enter another Thanksgiving here in the USA I want to start by thanking everyone that I have met here on Apsense. Some are just casual "add to you list" types, others we have really connected and even started ventures together. For those "casual add to you list types" we will get to know each other better if you like and continue on this awesome site we love to call APSense.

I thank god for my vision, my eye sight. I went through one heck of a scare. You see, one day I awoke and had no sight in my right eye. At first I thought it was just fuzziness and that it would clear up. Then I thought is was due to my cataracts and that it would clear up. After a few days, I was freaking out. To make a long story short, I had a detached retina. Had I ignored it a little longer I may have permanently lost my sight.

But, with the grace of God and through the wonders of modern medicine my retina was reattached and my eye sight is getting better with each passing day. My eye is much better now and I am slowly regaining my sight. Hopefully after I have the cataracts removed this week my vision will clear up even more.

This is a story of giving thanks, counting my blessings and to remind myself that although things may be going bad right, this to shall pass.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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