When I teach a psychology class I’ll ask my students “How often do you think you make conscious decisions?”

Many times they’ll say, “Just about always” or “Most of the time.”

I’ll then ask, “What decisions have you made consciously today?”

Most will have a very difficult time thinking of something. You might find this true also.

Why? Because, no matter what you’d like to believe, your subconscious mind is the boss of you.

Now this isn’t Freud’s subconscious mind, the one filled will all of your desires from early childhood and other such issues. It’s rather the adaptive subconscious that Timothy D. Wilson writes about in his book, ‘Strangers to Ourselves’, “The adaptive unconscious (that) does an excellent job of sizing up the world, warning people of danger, setting goals and taking action…”

No matter what decisions you make consciously, it's your subconscious mind that determines whether you'll take the action necessary to achieve it. The good news is you can use neuro linguistic programming techniques to tap into your subconscious at a very deep level.

These techniques will give you the keys you need for an abundance filled life.

What is the Subconscious Mind?

Think of your mind as an iceberg. Your conscious mind is that ten percent of the iceberg floating above the surface. It’s the part you can see.

Your subconscious mind is that 90 percent of the iceberg that’s below the surface. The part of your mind that holds your memories and controls your beliefs that you may not even be aware of.

Communicating with the subconscious mind is a popular topic in the realms of self-help and psychoanalysis. You can also use Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques to shift your thinking in a way that helps you make quick and lasting changes, changes that allow you to start living the life of your dreams.

Your Beliefs

What you believe controls your outcomes. If you believe you can do something you can. On the other hand if you doubt your abilities you may never be able to accomplish what you’ve set out to do.

By shifting the way you think about something you can change your beliefs.

How can you shift the way you think about something?

Using neuro linguistic programming techniques.

For example if you don’t believe you can speak in public, neuro linguistic programming techniques can shift your beliefs. If you don’t believe you can feel good about yourself neuro linguistic programming techniques can shift the way you think about yourself.

This shift can enable you to do something you never consciously thought was possible. This is why learning how to communicate with your subconisous mind is so important.

Creating New Beliefs

Using neuro linguistic programming techniques can help you to further develop your skills and talents. This can help you strengthen your positive qualities which will help you to hurdle over the challenges you encounter on your way toward success.

You can even use neuro linguistic programming techniques to eliminate negative habits, like smoking or emotional eating. Using these powerful techniques you can take charge of your subconscious mind and change it. Just think of the possibilities!

Other Tools for Communicating With Your Subconscious Mind

In addition to neuro linguistic programming techniques, there are other tools you can use to effectively communicate with your subconscious mind that will allow you to make the changes you desire.

One popular method is hypnosis. The best method is to engage a hypnotherapist to help you. You can also use self-hypnosis techniques and recordings.

One neuro linguistic programming technique is the use of a “trance state”, which is almost identical to hypnosis. In a trance state you are not asleep but rather in a state of heightened awareness.

This awareness helps you to get in front of the inhibitions you would normally run into in a conscious state mind allowing you to be open to positive suggestions. This will allow you to make positive progress.

Other methods are reading positive materials, listening to positive recordings of speeches and mantras, as well as repeating affirmations. When paired with an activity that gets you moving, such as exercising or running, positive affirmations can help to bring out the best in you.

You can check your local bookstores and online for affirmation resources.

You Can Shift Your Thinking!

You can use neuro linguistic programming techniques and all the other methods in this article to harness the power of your subconscious mind. The key is to begin and then keep at it.

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