Since the 1950’s, when Dr. Milton Erickson first re-introduced hypnosis to America, people have been using hypnotherapy to help them in many of the challenges they face. These include uncovering and resolving past issues as well as modifying behaviors.

Many people have used hypnotherapy to quit smoking, strengthen their self-esteem, and eliminate fears and phobias. People all over the world also are using hypnotherapy to help them with weight loss.

Does Hypnotherapy Work for Weight Loss?

The first thing you need to remember is no therapy works for everyone. Having said that, hypnotherapy has helped thousands of people lose anywhere from 15 to over 100 pounds.

Hypnotherapy works with the subconscious mind by giving it positive suggestions about eating and exercise. If a person is motivated and open to the process, hypnotherapy can be a very effective method for weight loss.

How Does Hypnotherapy Work?

Hypnotherapy Weight Loss the same way it works to modify any behavior. It targets your habits. Your habits are what cause you to reach for unhealthy snacks when you’re stressed and bored. It’s your habits that cause you to gain weight.

You can’t “get rid” of a habit, you have to exchange one habit for another. Hypnotherapy works by helping your mind accept new healthy habits to exchange for your old unhealthy ones.


Everyone who is overweight associates their unhealthy habits with who they are presently. In order to exchange those habits, hypnotherapy helps you associate who you want to be with healthy habits and your relationships with food and exercise.

Most people already know full well that proper diet and regular exercise is the only way they can lose weight. The problem is many find themselves helpless to do what they know they "should" be doing.

Many people find it’s easier to overcome these subconscious obstacles using hypnotherapy.

By breaking the associations you have with food from the past and creating new associations about how you’ll look and feel as a result of adapting healthy eating habits and regular exercise, you can quickly exchange your “bad” habits for “good” ones. It’s simply a matter of using hypnotherapy to re-program your subconscious mind.

With these new thought patterns your can motivate yourself to diet and exercise. They will also adjust your attitude about your weight so not only can you take it off, you can also keep it off.

Using hypnotherapy you can develop a new self-image that allows you to see yourself with the slim, healthy body you desire. Through this vision you can increase your optimism and motivation that will keep you on the right track to live a long and healthy life.

Why Not Give Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss a Try?

The key to having a successful experience using hypnotherapy for weight loss is to understand that hypnotherapy by itself won't cause you to lose weight. In order to lose weight you need to adopt a healthy and balanced diet and an active lifestyle.

What hypnotherapy can do is make adopting these new habits easier. Once you’ve established these new habits you will be better able to stay slim and live a long and healthy life.

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