Recent legislation in several US states has led to the decriminalization of weed use; and current health news has also featured weed as a viable treatment for numerous health conditions. As weed use becomes more accepted, both from a legal as well as a social perspective, it is worth reviewing the cautions about its effects on the body. Since weed is especially popular with younger people, who are likely to be engaging in intimate contact, as well, the following article focuses on how it affects men’s reproductive health, both in the moment and in the long term. In addition, some tips on maintaining male organ health from a preventive standpoint are offered.

Numerous scientific studies have investigated the effects of THC - the active ingredient in weed. While some of the results have been contradictory, the following conclusions have been widely accepted in the scientific community.

1. Reproductive function  The ‘high’ feeling that people get when they smoke weed is the result of the interaction of THC with THC receptors in the brain. Research has shown that the smooth muscle tissue of the male organ – which is directly involved in reproductive function – also contains THC receptors; stimulating these receptors can severely limit a man’s ability to achieve and maintain tumescence.

2. Early or delayed emission – An Australian study of over 8,000 men and women who used weed showed that men who smoke the substance regularly are four times more likely than men who do not smoke to have difficulty achieving release; and they were three times more likely to experience early emission.

3. Long-term health issues – Weed use affects many aspects of an individual’s health, and these effects have been shown to continue long after use of the substance has stopped. Some of these may include increased risk of heart attack, chronic respiratory issues and repercussions for mental health. Furthermore, THC remains in the reproductive system far longer than other parts of the body, and they can cause problems with fertility, fetal health issues, and even cancer.

4. Shrinkage – The issue of male shrinkage related to weed use is debatable. When it comes to tobacco use,      it has been found that smoking decreases the elasticity of the connective tissue and can, over time, lead to loss of as much  of a centimeter in the length of the male organ. In terms of weed use, some researchers have reported a similar effect, but the general consensus seems to be that no positive link has yet been found. 

Daily care for a healthy male organ

Only stopping weed use can limit the effects that it may have on reproductive health. However, every man can benefit from proper male organ health care when it is carried out on a routine basis.

The first and most important point here is protection: men who are active should always – no excuses – use barrier protection for any intimate contact; and this is especially critical for men who may have more than one partner. The second aspect of good male organ care that all men can incorporate into their daily lives is hydration – adequate water intake is vital for cellular health and function. Third, good nutrition is essential, as the right nutrients are needed to supply cells with the materials they need to function properly. For men who are concerned that their diets are not sufficient, adding a vitamin-rich male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to their daily personal care routine may help to reduce any nutritional gaps. Keeping the male tissue well-moisturized can also help to prevent dehydration and leave the male organ skin smooth and responsive.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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