For many, back-door entry is highly intriguing – the idea of a new territory to explore can be extremely exciting, for women as well as men. On the other hand, the backside is not precisely designed for this activity, so it is less receptive to male entry than the more… conventional approach.  But with the right precautions, a consenting couple can explore safely and comfortably, without an increased risk of pain, discomfort or tissue damage. Following these guidelines and engaging in appropriate male organ care, both before and after the action, can make back-door exploration a new point of intimacy and sensuality for many couples.

1. Cover up. Covering up with barrier protection is not just a way to prevent unwanted pregnancy; it is an absolute must when it comes to disease prevention. If possible, this issue is even more important when it comes to rear entry, as the area harbors bacteria such as E. coli that can lead to unpleasant infections. Without proper coverage, these bacteria – as well as many other disease-causing agents – can easily make their way into the urethral tube of the male organ, where they can wreak havoc on the body. Keep in mind that partner-transmitted infections may also be transferred from one partner to another during entry from behind, so this should not be considered as a “safe” alternative to conventional relations.

2. Lubricate. When it comes to lube and rear entry, there can never be too much of a good thing. Because this area, unlike the female canal, does not produce its own lubricant, making sure to slather up with lube is a big deal. Running out of lube in the middle of the action can be extremely painful for both partners – especially the receiving party – and can lead to torn tissue, as well as an early end to the evening’s festivities.

3. Go EASY! Again, the rear end is not as receptive a target as the female opening, and the muscles in this area can be very tense – especially if the receiving party is anxious at all about the procedure. A man should be very cautious about entering and should listen not only to his partner’s verbal cues, but also any physical signs of discomfort or refusal. Pushing the issue can lead to physical pain, not to mention emotional discomfort, so it is best to go slowly and let the receiving partner guide the depth and power of entry.

4. Clean up before switching up. If the couple decides to move on to a new position, they should never continue using the same protective barrier, as this can transfer harmful bacteria to the female canal. It’s best for both partners to wash up and start fresh, even if this interrupts the proceedings for a few minutes.

5. Exercise proper male organ care. Caring for the male organ on a daily basis can help to ensure that it is ready for action, whatever direction this action happens to take. Washing every day is essential, of course – using a mild cleanser and rinsing with warm, not hot, water is necessary to remove built-up grime, bacteria and dead skin cells.  Following a shower with an application of a high-quality male organ vitamin creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is also advised. A specially-formulated male organ cream contains important vitamins and other nutrients that are needed for maintaining healthy skin and nerve cells, repairing surface damage, and leaving the skin soft and smooth. A cream that contains natural emollients such as Shea butter, as well as hydrating agents such as vitamin E, can also support the skin’s natural lubricating properties, making for a smoother entry as a couple explores this approach.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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