The art of effective article writing has changed very little over the past several decades, long before the arrival of the internet. For many years, journalists, reporters and advertisers have been writing articles on a wide variety of subjects. Today, thanks to the internet there is an entire new field open to individuals with writing talent to create articles on a virtually infinite amount of subjects.

The Value of Article Writing on the Internet

Thanks to the internet, many different services that were once the domain of private institutions such as businesses and companies now use independent contractors or individuals on the web to accomplish the same tasks. Today, customer service, data entry, data conversion service and a host of work-from-home employment opportunities have allowed people to work from the comfort of their residence and earn money online.

Article writing is one of the most popular and valuable aspects of this new internet age. Articles do more than just inform as they help online businesses grow and reach new customers thanks to having good, solid content that people enjoy reading. For authors who want to write books, they no longer have to hope book publishers pick up their work. Instead, they can publish their own works and promote it themselves. Here, article writing has taken on a whole new aspect in terms of self-promotion.

What is Good Article Writing on the Internet?

In essence, what constitutes a good article on the internet is based on the same basic principles that have been in use for many years. What constitutes a good, readable, enjoyable article has four basic elements that come together to form enjoyable reading.

Hook: The hook is essentially the idea behind the article that pulls people into the story that you are telling. An article about faucets for example may not sound all that interesting, but an article about different faucet designs can improve the look of your kitchen or bathroom now has a hook. It will appeal to the audience interested in home improvement.

Correct Spelling & Grammar: Good grammar and correct spelling is another important element to an enjoyable article. Such errors can interrupt the flow of the article and jar the reader out of the story that you are telling. It is important to check your spelling and ensure that you use good grammar when writing an article, report or book.

Directness: In essence, it is getting to the point and doing so quickly. Readers can become bored easily with articles that have too many set up phrases or are obviously adding words for the sake of adding words instead of telling the story. Getting to the point and explaining why it is important are vital elements in good article writing.

Clarity: Everyone who reads your article should know what it was about. Writing in clear, direct sentences that builds up the story is very important in keeping the reader’s attention. A good, clear article will certainly appeal to those who are interested in what you have to say.

A good article writer is by nature someone who can tell a good story. Thankfully, the internet has provided a powerful way for those who love to write articles an outlet for their talent and a way to earn a living as well.

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