There are few things a man likes more than an active and interested intimate partner, and few things he likes less than a sore manhood. A weekend with a partner who doesn’t know the proper way to treat a man’s manhood can be difficult for a guy; finding a way to communicate that a particular position, action or implement is causing pain to the tool is needed to ensure optimal manhood health as well as intimate pleasure.

More often a straight thing.

This situation arises most often with straight men. This makes sense, as a man administering intimate actions upon another man instinctively has a better idea of what feels good and what doesn’t. It’s true that sometimes a man needs to tell another man, “That’s not quite right;” however, it happens less often than when a man is with a woman who is unfamiliar with his body.

That’s not to say that some women are not connoisseurs of a man’s body, of course. Through instinct or experience, some woman can deliver a man to sublime heights of pleasure without ever making a false move. But sometimes some women do need a little information.

Five things to remember.

When a man encounters a woman whose administrations, while well intentioned, result in soreness or pain to the manhood, it’s important to let her know this as soon as possible. If a woman is furiously rubbing a man’s member with her hand in a way that is causing the wrong kind of friction, she needs to cease right away.

However, a man needs to not just blurt out, “Hey, Idiot, you’re tearing the skin off my rod!  Cut it out!” Instead, a man needs to take the time to follow these tips:

1. Be sensitive. The woman whose hand, mouth or canal is housing a man’s equipment at the moment is a human being, not just a machine for intimate pleasure. She is most likely doing her best and may be feeling any number of things at the moment: Fear that she may not be doing this right. Nervous about what the guy thinks of her. Excitement at being in bed with this man. Pride because she thinks she is giving great pleasure, unaware of the pain she is causing. For the guy’s part, he may be so wrapped up in intimate desire that he may be focusing on nothing else. He should take a breath and think of what his partner may be feeling before he speaks.

2. Be aware of your body language. While a man may be experiencing some discomfort, his manhood may still be stiff and lively and his breathing may indicate heightened desire. Physically, he may be giving the signal that everything is going perfectly, so it may be a good idea for a man to momentarily stop the activity while he talks with her about what needs to be different.

3. Be clear. “You have to stop doing that!” is harder to understand than “Your physicality is really exciting to me, but it kind of hurts when you thrust up hard just as the tip of my manhood is moving in and out of you.

4. Be patient. It can take time for two new bodies to get adjusted to each other.

5. Be ready to reciprocate. This is a big one: A man needs to remember that just as his partner may be doing something that doesn’t feel right, he himself may be unintentionally causing pain to his partner. Every man needs to be prepared for some constructive criticism as well.

The occasional sore manhood is a common consequence of a healthy and active intimate life, and a problem that is readily aided by using a top notch male organ nutrient formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Daily rub into the manhood a formula that includes vitamin E (an excellent hydrator) and a natural emollient such as shea butter; in addition to providing relief, these ingredient ensure continued manhood health. A formula with vitamin A will also do wonders for combatting manhood odor.

For additional information on most common manhood health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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