The idea of a sore male organ can provide plenty of comic material, but for the man who is experiencing male pain, it is no laughing matter. Identifying the source of the problem is the first step in banishing male organ pain. Once the underlying problem has been determined, some at-home male organ care tips can help. However, men who experience a sudden injury or severe pain should seek emergency medical attention.

Q: What causes an itchy, red male organ rash?

A: There are several issues which can cause male rash, itching and soreness. One of the most common is male yeast infection, which often occurs following contact with a female partner who is also infected. Treating yeast infection is fairly simple; over-the-counter creams usually do the trick. Other causes of male rash may include allergic reactions to latex, fabrics, or personal care items; heat rash and balanitis (an inflammatory condition of the glans) are also common culprits. Avoiding known allergens, wearing comfortable, breathable clothing, and keeping the area clean are important aspects of preventing male organ soreness and rash.

Q: Is it possible to fracture the male organ?

A: While it sounds questionable, given that there are no bones in the male organ, it is actually possible to rupture the male chambers when the member is firm. Aggressive maneuvers during intimacy or a blow to the pelvic area during sports activity are the most likely causes of this painful problem. Men who experience a sudden blunt force injury to the male organ should treat it as a medical emergency, as allowing the problem to go untreated can result in long-term issues with function.

Q: Can too much self-stimulation make the male organ sore?

A: As most teenage boys can confirm, the skin of the male organ can only take so much, and overdoing the solo sessions can certainly cause raw, irritated, dry skin. To prevent this from occurring, personal lubricants are recommended during the process, and keeping the skin moisturized between sessions can boost the skin’s natural lubricant properties.

Q: My male organ bends when I am up and makes coupling uncomfortable – what is wrong?

A: Some degree of bending or curving is completely normal; few men have a male organ that is arrow-straight. On the other hand, severe bending during tumescence can be painful, and it can also make intimacy difficult. In this case, medical attention is warranted, as a condition known as Peyronie’s disease may be the issue.

Q: Where can I find relief for a sore male organ?

A: There are plenty of things you can do at home to soothe a sore male organ. In many cases, just taking a break from self-pleasuring or intimacy for a few days can allow dry, irritated skin to heal. For minor fungal infections, an over the counter antifungal medication can help. For red, inflamed skin, an ice pack can help to ease the burning, and over-the-counter anti-inflammatories may help to reduce the pain. Keep in mind, though, that ongoing soreness accompanied by other symptoms, such as a discharge, burning on urination, fever, headache and/or swollen glands can be a sign of a more serious health condition. Any unusual male organ symptoms should be checked by a doctor and treated according to a doctor’s recommendations.

Preventing injury and promoting overall male organ health

The best solution for a sore male organ is preventing problems before they start. By exercising caution during relations and using protection at all times, men can significantly reduce their chances of injury or of contracting a communicable disease from a partner.

Keeping the male organ skin well-hydrated and nourishing the male tissue can also keep the package in good condition. Using a targeted male organ health formula  (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing male organ-specific vitamins, antioxidants and natural moisturizers can help to preserve the youthfulness, resilience and responsiveness of the male tissue.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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