(If you Like it, please "LIKE")  Bubblews Its not just a Free Business, is also a Communication Way between all participating writers, sharing emotions, experiences, suggestions ... and to make friends. 
There are other social sites, but after you get inside, you'll feel the difference and be well impressed.

How does it work?
Read here please:

Get paid for: Views On Our Posts, User Comments and Likes. 
Also Get Paid for: Social Media Shares when each member share your  Posts on facebook, twitter, etc. (*)

* From the Bubblews "About" page:
The Bubblews community is a patent pending system that enables our users to enjoy our community (without a cost) and share in the ad revenue growth. In fact our revenue model is simple: We split the ad revenue we make off each post with the author 50/50. You will get paid for every view, comment, like/dislike and social media share that your posts gather. Write Your World. Speak Freely. Join the movement. The time of not sharing revenue with the very people who create your content is OVER! ...

1 - Register for Free;
2 - Adjust your Preferencies;
3 - Write and Submit your Post(s);
4 - Spread the World;
5 - Get Paid!!!;
6 - Make your Name and Be Known !

You may Request your Payment after $ 25.00 !!!
I've found several Online Proofs, but because it are not mine, I won't disclose them here of course. But I assure you that it is true. 

Believe me it will be an Unforgettable Experience! If you want to Join Me, it's Absolutely FREE and you can do it by CLICKING HERE!

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 (If you Like it, please "LIKE")  Bubblews Its not just a Free Business, is also a Communication Way between all participating writers, sharing emotions, experiences, suggestions ... and to make friends. There are other social sites, but after you get inside, you'll feel the differenc...