Write your world and get paid for speaking freely. Our website is 100% free to use.

Bubblews - Speak Freely. Write Your World

Create a blog and get paid for every view, comment, like/dislike and social media shares for every post that you create. Patent Pending.

What NOT to do if you want more connections on this site:

1) Do not write on anyone's profile. "Connected, connect back please."
This comment will often get ignored and is against +Bubblews terms of service..Please read them.

2) Do not write any derivative of the above comment on anyone's blog post like, "Connect, just connected, please connect."
Only write comments that are related to the post or else, you look spammy or silly.

3) Do not leave your affiliate/referral/blog link in the comment section of someone's post.
This is annoying, rude and not related to the blog post that you have just spammed.

4) Do not leave pasted comments that you are sharing with someone else.
Lately, I have seen 2 people leaving the exact same comments on different blog posts. Usually, this would not stand out but it is an unusual sentence and that's why it stood out. Also, don't copy other people's comments (or blog posts) and use them as your own....

Finally, Three Awesome Tips that will help you Build Great Connections.

1) Write Authentic and Interesting Posts.

2) Leave Interesting and Original Comments.

3) Connect with People you want to Learn more about.

Don't forget to please read the rules so that you can get paid.
Click on My Bank or the Terms of Use at the bottom of the Page.

Hopefully, these tips will help make your +Bubblews experience even bubblier!!

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