Asea is a PARADIGM BUSTING product that will soon be a household name.
It is not a vitamin nor a mineral nor an anti-oxidant. It is a very unique product that stands in a category of its own: a cellular communication supplement!
Watch a young child for a while and you’ll appreciate what this really means. The child gets up in the morning and has an amazing appetite, then goes out and plays hard al...l day long, stopping for a short nap and meals when necessary. They go to sleep and sleep well! Then they get up the next morning feeling fresh and energized and do it all over again without any soreness, stiffness, or other setbacks. IF they injure themselves they mend quickly and are back “in the game.”
Contrast that with a 60 year old who wakes up with a reduced appetite (compared to the 6 year old), still tired and who knows that if they go out and physically go full tilt all day that they WILL PAY the following day by waking up stiff and sore.
They are also much more careful about injuries because they know that they are slower to heal than they used to be. Sleep is often not as deep and restful.
The difference is that the 6 year old has cells producing 100% of the cells needs of what science calls Redox Signaling Molecules while the cells of the 60 year old are producing only 10 to 15% of the cells needs of these same molecules.
Cellular communication is down and that leads to a decrease in detoxifying the cell, in healing the cell, in production and utilization of the super enzymes glutathione, SOD (superoxide dismutase) and catalase.
A bottle of Asea contains trillions of these special molecules and in perfect balance, just like the body makes them.
All 16 redox signaling molecules produced in the body are found in perfect balance in Asea.
Research has proven that these molecules increase the cellular production and utilization of glutathione, SOD and catalase by over 500%! Athletes taking the product are experiencing levels of performance only achieved previously by performance enhancing drugs!
Yet Asea has been tested by independent laboratories who found that there are NO performance enhancing drugs of any kind in the product. 
Everything in Asea is native to the human body!

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