It can be one of life's most difficult situations: a marriage falling apart. While it is important to try to honestly evaluate the problems in your marriage, and be willing to make reasonable changes to your unacceptable behavior, you still need to answer the question: 'how do i get my wife to come back home?' You can't even work on your relationship until she is home. It's helpful if you have a 'game plan' for when your wife returns home. This isn't about manipulation or only paying lip service to making changes, it's about taking stock of the person you are and what areas of your personality and behavior you need to change. Remember you're not just making changes to keep your wife happy, you're making changes that need to be made for you to become a better person and a better husband. Having given honest consideration to these things before your wife comes home will mean that you don't just repeat the same hurtful and destructive behaviors that caused her to leave in the first place. You don't want to have a relationship that is turbulent where you are constantly fighting about the same things. That type of relationship isn't good for anyone. Now that you have honestly accepted that there are some changes you will need to make, it's time to figure out how to get your wife to come home. Here are some steps that can help you convince your wife that you still love her and there is hope for your relationship and that she should return home: 1. The first thing is to let her know that you've been honest with yourself and realize that there are things in your behavior that you are willing, and able, to change. Let her know that you are a sincere, mature man who wants to be a better man and a better husband and that you are willing to work on those things. If she has real reason to believe things can be different this time she'll be more likely to return home and give it a try. 2. Don't go into 'bachelor mode' and be a pig. Keep the house clean. Shower, shave, do the laundry, etc. Your wife sure isn't going to want to come home if she feels like she is just going to have to be the maid. No woman wants to have to be a mother to her own husband. Most woman want a friend, a partner, and a lover. Let her see that even though you miss her, you respect her enough to keep up with the housework even when you're on your own. 3. If you're wrong, admit it and apologize. Many men get caught up in the macho idea that apologizing is a sign of weakness. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you screw up and admit it and apologize that is actually a sign of confidence, strength, and maturity. Admitting when you are wrong and offering a sincere apology not only lets others know that you are a mature, confidant person, it also shows that you have respect for yourself and for them. The reality is that people who won't apologize are actually very weak and insecure. They are too unsure of themselves to be able to admit they were wrong. When you're confidant enough in yourself to offer a sincere apology it shows that you are a strong, confidant individual...and that is sexy to any woman. I hope these tips have given you some ideas on how to answer the question: "how do i get my wife to come back home?" The point is that if you truly want your marriage to work you need to be willing to work on your marriage. It takes two.

PS: Learn How You Can Stop Your Break Up, Divorce or Lovers
Rejection...Even If Your Situation Seems Hopeless!

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