Through the years I have been asked "what is the most important thing you should be doing to build your business"... the answer to that question is so easy....
The most important thing you should be doing to help your business GROW.. is to "Build Your List"

How many times have you heard it... It is all in the LIST? The reason that you have heard that phrase so many times is because it is so true.

It doesn't matter how you build it.. the important thing is to build it. My friend Rick Ray has just released an e-Book that is HIS case study about how he has built HIS LIST.....

To be honest I don't think I had ever heard about this list building method before I read his book.  The concept is a very simple one.The nice thing about it is, once you get it set up... your able to use the information over and over and over again.

Rick takes you through the set up from start to finish. Rather than trying to learn this method of list building on your own, Rick shares with you exactly how to do it.

Rick is very good at what he does. He put together this website to help people with Wordpress. Everything I do is set up using Wordpress, so I really enjoyed this site.

Ricks new book about list building is a must read if you are building your list, and I hope everyone reading this has that as their FIRST Priority!

List Building Success Tips by Rick Ray

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