Friends, I am a firm believer that MLM is an Excellent Business which can get you bread & butter/give lavish lifestyle depending upon the Efforts put in,Ethical Behavior,Sincerity, Focus, Perseverance,Persistence etc.

There are many Genuine MLM companies with excellent products and business plans. Millions have been earning their bread & butter & Millions have become Millionaires  through these companies !

Unfortunately, there are many Fraud companies being formed & closed every day! The percentage of Genuine Companies, I am afraid, may be 0.1. That is terrifying! The Fraud companies have done lot of damage to the faith of people in MLM. These companies en-cash on the growing tendency of people to earn money without efforts. Outsource this is also taught or imposed upon people's mind by these companies.

I have huge business back ground. Nine years back First time I came across MLM by chance because of one product which helped my mother immensely to get rid of Knee pain. Then I looked at the business & never looked back. Today, I am CDM in that company & have been earning income every month since beginning! For you knowledge  Over the years, I came across many genuine companies, used their products as my friends are into it.I did not join as wanted to keep my focus. This gave me lot of education in MLM.

Currently I am also with Smart Media Technologies., again a genuine company with excellent business model.

In MLM one does not need a big capital, no risk, can do business part time full time.

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