You can rank well on Google with any site, if you know how to perform the right keyword research. None the less, you have to know exactly how to get your content distributed on the right sites so you can get some "juice" for the your link an bump up the quality of your site. There are certain sites that you need to submit your link to and here is three of them.

Google Bookmark

Google has a bookmarking section on their site. All you have to do is go to the Google search engine and then type in Google bookmark. All you need to do is submit a valid link like a blog link, a specific page on your site but not Affiliate links.

This is one of hottest bookmarking sites on the internet today. This has been the case for a long time. Digg has made a couple of changes to their platform so you can submit your link and that's it now.

You can submit your articles to this site and be sure to rank on keywords that have 20,000 or more sites. This is a very powerful site to submit content and a powerful backlink to have. 

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