SEO is the basis of all search engine listings. If you are not paying for advertising then your content matters that much more. Even if you are paying for Advertising, your content on the ad is just as important. The problem for most people is they don't know how to take small steps with SEO. That is why I'm going to give you three basic methods for SEO marketing.


If your content isn't matching with the title of your article or in the general content of your site, then you are going to have some serious problems in the search engines. It's not the fact that Google is going to slap you, it's the fact that Google is going to read what you have on the site and rank the density of that content based on the relevance and based on the general density of that keyword or phrase. 

Now if the the theme of your site along with the consistency of your content runs well together, then you will carry a higher likelihood of your site getting ranked pretty well on Google. Of course it will all depend on the general method of your keyword research and how much competition or better yet how many sites are saturating that keyword or phrase, which leads to the next point


Keyword saturation is very important when it comes to keyword research or keyword based content. I don't care how uniform your content is or how dense your keyword structure is on the site, you are still not going to rank as well if your site doesn't have a certain type of reputation or if you aren't using proper keyword research. 

Now the easiest way to find out how saturated a keyword is, you will need to perform a quotation search or a "" search when with a keyword. While most keyword results aren't as accurate as most people think, what this is telling us is "generally" there is a certain amount of saturation dealing with this particular keyword. If your results are 10,000 or more sites, then you are not likely to rank as high with that keyword phrase. If the results have 1,000 or less sites, then you have a higher likelihood of ranking pretty good with that phrase or keyword. 

Again, this gives us a general idea of how saturated a keyword phrase or word is and how well you can potentially rank on a keyword.


While this is a very important factor when dealing with websites, you don't have to compromise quality. that is why most people fail with this method alone. When it comes to backlinks, first of all, you need to make sure you are not just piling it on. This simply means that you don't ever want to just connect your site to sites that are not related to the theme of your website. If you have an airplane website, don't pile up backlinks talking about kitchen floors. Apples need to be about apples and oranges need to be about oranges. 

Most people are having trouble with Backlinks because they are taught to just put your link anywhere and that should do it. If you are having a hard time finding sites to link with, then you need to try social bookmarking sites. They are the best sites to link with because they are generally social sites and you can share any content on there as long as you are not spamming. Sites like and are going to help you because they have high page ranks. 

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