Squidoo is a fantastic site to use for getting an extra backlink or distributing extra content. However, I don't really understand why this site gets so much praise and worship when it comes to optimizing and distributing content. I don't personally like using Squidoo for two specific reasons.

Optimizing On Google

I know that you can optimize on Google pretty well with this site but it's extremely unpredictable. You don't know what to expect when you are trying to rank with this site. I have had very little success trying to optimize with Squidoo. Sometimes it takes days or weeks before you actually rank on a keyword that only has 600 website results. I rank on a site within hours with this sort of keyword results.

The other thing that makes this unpredictable is the fact that there are other factors on this site that contributes to its optimization. Either way, if you ask me, it shouldn't be this difficult just optimize one piece of content. 

Too Much Going On

There is way too much going on a Squidoo lens. You can't just have content and move forward. You need pictures, amazon products, eBay products and other silly things that pretty much overwhelm a given Suidoo visitor. I do understand that most of these features are optional but you shouldn't have to go through all of that just to share content and not optimize well on Google.

 I personally don't understand the purpose of Squidoo lenses. I personally have tried almost all kinds of different ways to get Squidoo optimized and distribute content but it has just been a waste of time for me. It may be for other people but it's not for me for sure. 

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